Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Yea I suck - really I am just extremely busy. I actually got home before 9pm tonight and already had dinner prepped so I have some time finally to update. Soooo let's see, I've officially moved from Anaheim Hills to Brea now. My commute to Irvine (near John Wayne) sucks but I've just decided to leave after 8:30am and get to the office around 9:15 and it makes it bearable because most traffic has died down. Prior to I was leaving by 7:45 and getting there at the same time with the exception of I wanted to bitch slap anyone who came in close enough proximity. I love my new digs and there is tons of room for baby when they get here. YAY we won't have to share a room! There is a little yapper shit dog running around but she's sweet so I cut her some slack lol!! I really am a lucky person to have such amazing family and friends in my life. Thankfully my friends came through and helped me move my countless shoes and clothes. Bryan although training for CrossFit games, helped with all the heavy things and all I told him was please don't break yourself helping me - everyone will hate me! I really thank all of them for all their help and support.

So CrossFit regionals just passed this past weekend. At times it was hard to watch and not be out on the floor competing. Deep down I think I still wanted to do it but knew it wasn't worth it. I was so proud of all the girls who represented our gym especially the team. They trained their butts off to try and prepare for the weekend. All I really wanted them to gain this weekend was confidence they could do this and the desire to continue. Regardless, I had a blast all weekend. It was great to see all my friends from different gyms across SoCal and catch up with people. A ton of people rubbed my belly and said how cute I look, that was sweet. I've grown accustomed to the constant belly rubs, apparently it comes with the territory. I really don't mind lol!

What this weekend did for me; made me realize that I want to be out there so much more. I realize that after I have baby which is in mid October and get back to the gym I will only have 3 months to train for the open to get ready. Is that enough time?? Who knows but I will try my hardest to qualify individually again. I love my team and these past two years I tried my hardest for the benefit of the team. What this weekend really did for me was just fuel my fire for myself. The next time I qualify individually - I WILL GO Individual. I'm not the best, I don't have the best form, but I have heart. I don't think I will make the games any time soon (ok maybe when I get to the age of the masters) but I will always do my best and I always have fun doing this. People get so worked up and serious they lose sight that although this is a sport, it's supposed to be fun as well.

I'm trying to stay as active and do as much as I still can "RX'd" as I possibly can right now to try and maintain my strength and lungs but I feel them slipping here and there. It takes me a few minutes to re-adjust or get re-acclimated to the ever growing belly in a WOD but I figure it out and keep going. It gets extremely frustrating when a WOD is a short sprint and I feel like I didn't do anything or was really slow the first half and there is only 4 minutes left or something. At 20+ weeks I can still do everything, slower for sure but everything when it comes to crossfit movements. I haven't done a muscle up this week but at 20 weeks I still had them, we shall see. I don't do them in a WOD it isn't worth it, I just do 1-3 during the week just to say YAY I still have them. I was told to use an abmat yesterday for my HSPU's. It was only 5 of them per round but I am heavier so pounding my head down to the ground may not be the wisest thing. I will compromise and use plates to make it level with the mat so I'm still doing them RX'd until I can't anymore. My pistols were still there it took me a few rounds to get readjusted but once I figured it out, I was good slow but good. My pull ups they're there but I can't maintain in excess of 10 for many rounds. If you're pregnant and reading this, go with what makes you feel comfortable and you can physically do. I'm figuring out my limits as I go too. Today I had to decrease some reps on a WOD I decided to do from Outlaw. There were a lot of burpees and several barbell reps of thrusters, power snatches, push jerks, hang squat cleans & overhead squats. (basically 2RFT of 12 reps at 75lbs for bar work and burpees in btwn each movement) the 2nd round I cut the bar work to 6 reps. I did this after 5x5 of back squats. I noticed the wod going possibly going over 20 minutes so I decreased the bar work. I'm slower and conscience when doing burpees I basically have to do the push up so I control it, it makes it harder and more work.

My DIET.... wellllllll I've definitely done a better job of it in the past, but I can guarantee you I'm far better than the average pregnant person. I do eat what I want more so than what I've done in the past 5 years. I usually am good during the week and starting Friday night if I go out to eat I'll enjoy the bread or chips or something like that. I may have dessert at times but sweets aren't exactly my thing. With the move and regionals it was easy to get off track with prepping and eating out more, so this week I made sure to make a good dinner and bought my usual Kale and Spinach for salads at work for lunch along with some orange chicken I made. We shall see how bad I've been at my doctor's appointment on Friday when I weigh in!! YIKES!! I don't swell or have any other aliments like that so far. And I am trying to keep up with drinking my water, but know I should be drinking more. 

I do have some updated recipes and photos I will make sure to post!

I get to find out what I am having as well on Friday. Everyone keeps asking me if I am excited to find out. Ummm NO is my answer lol! Okay two days away I'm a little anxious. So I explain to people who ask if I'm excited and I say no;  "At the end of the day I can't change what I am having. Boy or girl all I really want is for the baby to be healthy and happy."Yes, deep down I'd prefer to have a girl.  When we all bite into a cupcake at the gender reveal on Friday night if it's a boy - I will have to take a moment, turn around, take a breather and turn back around with a smile and YAY it's boy!!! It will be fake for that particular moment but regardless I will be happy with whatever. My names are picked out so it doesn't matter. The pregnancy wasn't planned it's not on my time but it was my time. I know whatever sex the baby is, that's what I am intended to have and can handle. Either way can the baby please have Daddy's eyes (BLUE) and my color hair (brunette) HAHAHHA..

Picture updates.....
So this dress emphasizes the bump but it's cute! This picture was actually taken on Mother's Day. I was roughly 18 weeks, I officially popped and started to show. The following Monday I was in Sprouts and a gentleman asked me how far along I was. This made me extremely happy! Why, because I don't look like a fat ass I just look pregnant!! THANK GOD!

These two gems were taken on Monday at 4.5 months or just a few days over the halfway mark at 20 weeks 4 days. I think for the most part I still look the same just have the baby bump. We shall see how long that lasts. I only have the outline of my abs these days but I think my man traps are getting bigger because my boobs are just huge and my sports bras are working on over time to hold them up. My arms still look relatively buff along with my quads. I think because I don't squat as heavy my butt has gotten smaller that's saddening but can't have it all can we??!! Oh yea and so far the tattoo hasn't increased in size I will make sure to keep you updated on the lettering size! 

I really need to take some videos of working out or other pictures in general I suck at asking people to take pix of me over and over again to post! HAHHA...

Until next time party people. Please feel free to share with others looking for some WODDing or nutrition advise. I can respond a lot quicker with comments or personal emails then I can with an updated post. 

I leave you with this - in light of a sad, sad loss of one of the great woman of our time: 

“You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them. Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud. Do not complain. Make every effort to change things you do not like. If you cannot make a change, change the way you have been thinking. You might find a new solution.” 
 Maya Angelou, Letter to My Daughter

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