Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Blogging is TIME Consuming! UPDATE...

Hello All....

Okay so epic fail on the 30 day challenge - I seriously can't keep up with this. I have shit to write about but no time to update. By the time I get home (usually 8:30pm or later) the last thing I have time to do is update my blog or have the energy to do so. Lately, I've been so busy at work that I've been logging in to get some additional stuff done. With doctor appointments and other things that come up it cuts into my work schedule.
Well what's new? I usually answer this question with "Same shit different day", now I've just added to it with "just getting rounder" or "Just becoming large and in charge!" HAHA.. At least that's how I feel! I'm a couple days shy of 24 weeks now or 5.5 months big. Most things seem to be the same size just the front of me is growing - my stomach and boobs. Boobs have calmed down some at least the stomach is catching up to them. I couldn't tell you how much I've gained as of now. Just like before I was pregnant, I'm not overly concerned with the scale as long as I am not getting disgustingly huge and eating like complete shit - I know I'm doing ok. If my legs, arms or ass started growing HUGE - then I know I have a problem and will watch it and weigh in daily. I still try to dress up like I normally would BBP (before being prego). Some co-workers ask when I plan to give up the heels - UMM never are you crazy bitch, I refuse to give up my amazing heels! I don't know where someone wrote it but apparently many believe pregnant woman should be in house sweats and flats (WHATTTTT - insert screaming emoticon face here).

I seem to be getting more tired regularly these days. Similar to the first trimester, in the afternoon, I'd really love to take a half-hour nap. Once in a while I can sneak into our break room and post up in one of the booths and rest for a bit. Sitting in lounging or extra cushioning type seats are becoming more difficult to get out of. I'm pretty sure people get entertained watching. I am embracing more assistance these days - if someone grabs a door, bag, box, barbell whatever - I allow them to help. I can do it - yes of course, but this is a once in a lifetime chance for others to be nice and want to help, why not accept and embrace.

I find it amazing how nice fellow woman are when you're pregnant and going to be a fellow mother. Hell woman I wouldn't even consider friends are nice and understanding. I think that's why woman are so unique and different in comparison to men. This may be the one instance in when woman will put down their claws and offer some comforting words, encouragement etc. if they have in fact ever been pregnant. Don't get me wrong - I still have some haters, but those broads never phased me to begin with so I pay no mind. It's like your inducted into a new found cool-crowd group. For those involved in CrossFit, remember your life pre-CF then after it was like you were now a part of this new cool kids crew and accepted. It's fairly similar. I imagine that I will understand this new cool-crowd group and be fully accepted once Violet comes along.

So as of last week - I've officially given up full movement cleans and snatches with a barbell... (this was EXTREMELY tough to admit and adhere to). Considering the baby bump is growing, I don't want to give my little spaghetti squash a concussion and I don't want to create really bad habits of bar path movement - it was time to give it up. Yes, I can still clean heavy - as of last week I was still cleaning up to 145 but my coaches felt it was time and I agreed. Listen - I already have bad habits with my oly lifts especially snatches. I am better off working the 1 and 2 positions from the ground in both my lifts up to opening up my hips to the shrug anyway. My strength now look something like this. Part A: work from ground cleans 1st & 2nd Pull Part B: 5x3 front squat (or back) Part C: Jerks 5x3 or a hybrid of a barbell complex which does require me to set up two different barbells and it may look something like - Snatch 1st-2nd pulls x 2-3 reps; Snatch Balance x 2-3; Overhead Squat x 2-3 reps. Honestly, I couldn't remember the last time I had scrapes all up my chins from working on snatches and now I do - it's good thing. My goal at this rate is to maintain as much as possible while at the same time working on my mechanics. In turn I really do hope that it helps when I come back to move more efficiently as a crossfitter in general. During WOD's I use dumbbells now. At first, I viewed the dumbbells as a SEVERE modification and wanted to try and do just as heavy as the barbell was calling 'RX' in the WOD..BAAHHhhaaaaa... umm NO - dumbbells are more work cleans or snatch wise so I'm trying not to get hung up if I use 35-40lb dbells and the weight of a barbell is 95lbs or higher. All in all - I can still do everything. Pull-ups strict, regular and chest. Ring Dips - Push ups - Deficit HSPU's on 2 sets of 25lb plates with an abmat in the middle. Yesterday I did pistols to a wallball for some support and guidance. I try to avoiding doing running WODs and opt for rowing because I am just so slow at it (every step feels like I am going to pee and my uterus fall out) but I will from time to time. I know I move slower or have to be more cautious (i.e. controlled burpees) so it bums me out at times because I am not winded after a workout and feel like it was completely easy. It's all about finding happy mediums and striving for maintaining as much as possible - and just going with it. For those of you pregnant - ask your coaches how your bar path is looking for oly lifts - I was able to proceed a little longer then some because I already have big boobs and have had to lean back more for my bar path.

Nutrition is pretty much status quo - I eat well for most of the week 4-5 days a week and on the weekends I allow myself shit I normally wouldn't slightly more in excess than I would've BBP. That being said - if I really feel like having a scoop of ice cream during the week because someone is sharing - I'll have some or wont. I don't over eat nor eat a bunch of crap so I'm not too worried about it right now. I am however obsessed with infused waters. This beauty was infused with strawberries, cucumber, lime and mint.

This past Saturday my Mom and I went Violet shopping. For those that don't know - baby is going to be named Violet Reigh. I visited 4 different stores looking at cribs and nursery furniture sets. At the last location (Babies R Us) I decided what I want. At 5:30pm my Mom proceeds to tell me that I really need to start my baby registry. Ughhhh HUH??? My baby showers wont be until the end of August and beginning/mid September - it's JUNE! So I said fine - I'll just put a few items on there to start the process. I proceed to the bottle section... I think I almost hyperventilated!!! I spent over a half-hour just looking at bottles and deciding which one I should go with WTEEEFFFFFFF!!!! I knew I didn't want Dr. Brown's bottles because I've dealt with those in the past with my ex and his two girls. But HOLY SHIT!!! Finally - I choose one brand and put the starter kit on the list. My Mom and Aunt are both with me giving their opinions and talking about how they didn't have all these options blah blah blah... NO help with them NONE!!! I slither down a couple of aisles to little bath tubs.. Do you know they have spa like little tubs for infants - SERIOUSLY??? I'm pretty sure the kid is only concerned with how long until this is over and has no desire to sit in the jet spa enjoying a glass of wine at 1 month old, right?? I on the other hand would LOVE TO! Anyhow, I put some random shit on the list not really into it because I went into SEVERE baby overload and it was NOT fun in the slightest. I wanted to run out of there screaming all the way to the nearest bar and just get WASTED!! Don't worry - I didn't! HAHA.. It was now 7pm, we left at 12. I tell my Mom and Aunt - okay I'm done. I was already supposed to be at the Divorce, Daiquiri and Disco party for a friend and here I am still at Babies R Us. I left and took a power nap for 15 minutes then got ready for the party. All can say is that I will probably do most of the "registering" online. I ask other moms for advise, what they like, don't like and reasons why - it helps narrow some shit down. A lot of people ask me if I am excited and don't exactly understand why I am not overly gushy and wanting to go baby shopping all the time. I'm just not gushy type in general. I am happy and I really don't mind being pregnant it's been relatively easy for me. Just don't expect me to do cartwheels or start sobbing about all kinds of random baby shit.

Here are some updated pictures a couple from the 4D Ultrasound one from the DDD party Saturday night and Violet and I, Father's Day photo... I am hoping to get some photos done soon at the gym and beach with a photography friend... YAY!!
I'm pretty sure she has my nose! :-)

We're to SEXY!! HAHAHAA #milfintraining

Thursday, June 5, 2014

30 Day Pregnancy Challenge - Day One

So I found this "challenge" on Tumblr and thought it would be a relatively easy thing I could do to post regularly! Let's hope I can keep up with it!

Day One:

A Picture of me and 5 facts:

Well most of you know what I look like so... here's one of my favorites!!
5 Facts:

1. On top of being a CrossFit coach at RXD I am also an Insurance Broker in Executive Liability. I won’t get too technical with that. I don’t want to completely entertain you – just a little!!! I genuinely love my job. It’s stressful but fun and I’m usually going 100 miles an hour. I like my main office in Irvine and my co-workers (obviously some more than others). In Executive Liability I actually get to use my brain which is good thing if you ask most people. Granted I’d much rather work hours of 10-2pm and the commute can suck. I can work from home but I’m more productive in the office and how else are you going to network??!! Love my LA office but despise the travel to that place!!! Working my way up the ladder and enjoying the tough road is basically the way I look at it.

2. I have a SHIT TON of siblings. This one can get interesting please read and follow along. OK So my Real Dad as I refer to him was what most would consider a “Ladies Man”.  
a.        Half Brother – Vince (older and in his 40’s)
b.       Full Sis – Michelle (younger by 3 years which makes her 30)
c.        Half Bro – I don’t know his name – never met him he lives in NJ…I think???
d.       Half Sis – Cenah born in 1996
e.       Half Bro – Clayton JR aka Jr born in 1999 maybe 2000
f.         Half Sis – Liliana she’s a cheerleader and in grade school I think she was born in 2006? Maybe 2005 or 2007…. Sorry I don’t write this shit down & I forget.
This list is what we officially know of from my real Dad J My Mom, I’m certain it’s just my sister Michelle and I. I also have two step sisters Virginia and Lacey and a step brother Charlie.. I don’t refer to them as steps either they’re a part of my life and consider them all my siblings, brothers and sisters just as I do my “halves” (obviously with the exception of the one I don’t even know his name). Poor guy – that sucks I guess. Maybe we’ll all end up on one of those long lost siblings reunited reality TV show..  Highly unlikely – but sounded funny!

3. I HATE walking barefoot and think it’s DISGUSTING when I see people do it or let their kids run around barefoot and they’re black!! SOOOOOOO GROSS.. Even in my house I put flip flops on as soon as I get out of the shower. On carpet, pavement, wood floors WHATEVER – I have something on. They only time I don’t is when I hit the sand at the beach or I am in the water in a pool or in the ocean.

4.       I’m terrified of clowns. Don’t try and scare me later with this knowledge – I can still slap an asshole! I’m not as bad as I used to be, but still really scared. I wonder if others just don’t realize the danger you’re in with clowns around? Those creepy mother fuckers will KILL YOU! Especially the little people ones – and don’t get me started on Leprechauns!! They’re always little people and every movie they’ve ever been in they just murder people! It’s safe to say that I will not be seen at any circus so don’t bother to invite and if you come to my kids birthday, I can promise NO FUCKING clowns will be there! (I apologize for offending any little people – as long as you don’t dress up like a clown or Leprechaun, we’re cool so chill out).

5. I have a thing for super heroes, ninja turtles, and star wars. My top favs.. Ugghhh  Super Man, Batman, Raphael, Chewie…. Oh and I collect coffee mugs with all my favs on them!

Until next time party people…. Xoxoxo… Oh yea – one other fine moment with Melisa – So I was texting a male friend about getting a 4D ultrasound for baby Violet,  it went something like this – see the pic!
I guess I'm supposed to cry when I have a 4D ultrasound??? Background real quick. A friend's wife works for a medical equipment company they were having some training on their 4D ultrasound systems. I went in so they could do the training on a prego chick!! :-) It was cool to see, but I had no desire to cry... At times I wonder if I'm missing some chick emotions.  

Monday, June 2, 2014

Gender Reveal Update - MY MOM IS CRAZZZZZzziieee

So this past Friday I had my anatomy ultrasound and got to find out what the sex of the baby is. My problem - the tech did not sound 100% and said she couldn't say for certain but said "I have a pretty good idea and pretty sure it was...". So later I cut into my cake and found out it was a girl. As I cut into the cake in front of everyone I don't think I even saw what color the frosting filling was before my Mom started jumping around like a mad woman and screaming at the top of her lungs. I was taken back and honestly, I'm not sure I've fully taken it in still even though the filling was pink showing I was having a girl.

If you read my previous post, you'd know that's what I was hoping for. Because the ultrasound tech wasn't completely sure and the over excitement taken over by Mom -  I guess I will just have to take a while to digest it and believe it. I'm pretty sure most of the pictures taken you can see this somewhat frantic look in my face and overwhelming huge eyes of WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?? Am I having a girl or a boy?? Apparently my Mom knows and is extremely happy about this - Oh it must be a girl, that's what she wanted!! Okay look down - breathe....got it - it's a girl...YAY... oh shit wait, the ultrasound chick said she wasn't sure...I don't believe it..FUCK ME!! Am I really having a girl?? I guess at this point I will carry on as though I am in fact having a girl and just try to confirm with the next ultrasound. Not much else to do right? LOL!! I think I'm sort of in disbelief about a lot of things. This pregnancy in general has been REALLY EASY; I haven't been sick with any kind of morning sickness; until now, I've been able to go about my CrossFit life with minimal changes; I've only gained 10-12lbs and after more than halfway (4.5 months),  from what I understand is really good; that if I also get to have a girl - HOW LUCKY WOULD that make me? What did I do to deserve all of this? I have no clue. I am a nice person, but not the nicest in the world. I try and do the right thing, but not a rule follower. I help others, but can't we always do more? My name is definitely not Mother Theresa, that's for DAMN sure. At times I have to stop my self from complaining when I'm having to make minimal modifications at the gym, when I eat some crap food and feel guilty about it - when I do something nice for someone else like staying later at the gym or just whatever the request is and say shut the fuck up Melisa - you're one lucky person thus far in life let alone your pregnancy. I am lucky for the people in my life that make the bumps in the road easier.

My Aunt Sandie, Cousin Anna and Cousin's daughter (great Cousin Samantha)
Have fun with this video - You will understand why I say my Mom screamed like a mad woman!! Thanks for catching this Alicia!

Had a good time working out tonight with our 7pm class.
500M Row
10 burpee box jumps
20 toes 2 bar
30 wall balls
40 KB swings at 35lb
50 double unders
Rest 3 Min
Repeat for AMRAP 6Min (Start at Row)
Rest 3 Min
Repeat complete WOD (Start from Row)  for Total time of 25:01

I was happy I could still do 10 unbroken Toes 2 bar and did 40 KB swings unbroken. It's the small things that make me happy. But then after our coaches meeting I got up on the rings and did A muscle up! :-) Yes A single muscle up but at 21 weeks and 6 days (so almost 22 weeks), this makes me EXTREMELY happy!!