Friday, August 1, 2014

Grip of a Greek....

Words can't express exactly how busy I've been but have definitely missed updating more frequently. On top of multiple doctor appointments, two senior people in my department at work decided to up and quit. Work has doubled, it's stressful but I don't mind the challenge because all that it means is more opportunity for me - GAME ON... that being said, I get more and more tired these days. The third Trimester is no joke in terms of felling tired, run down and sluggish. I have to roll with it. This HEAT seriously has done me in the last couple of weeks. The air doesn't really run at my house but my bedroom is like what I imagine Hell to feel like - thank GOD I'll never be there when I die! It's like a stuffy hot box of air that doesn't move even though I have two fans on and the one little window open. I imagine the attic and my room have a great deal in common. I wake up on average 2-3x a night now, either to go pee and/or because I'm miserably HOT. I literally get up wash my feet in cold water and place a wet washcloth on my belly to feel cooled down. It's not fun in the slightest and come morning I have no desire to get up for work. I tend to stroll in closer to 9:30am the last couple of weeks - good thing about my office is that they run the air at like Igloo temperatures - so Violet and I are happy for most of the day. Besides my obvious Rant Bitch Sesh, all other things have been going well.

The gym status I'm usually there at least 5 days a week. I can't maintain as much volume as I once did and I have to be okay with that. And honestly I am. Some days I may just do our class WOD for the day, some days I may add in a small strength session before our class WOD and some days like yesterday, I just do a small strength session. Yesterday I felt tired - I took a 15 minute nap in the office, put my gym clothes on and wasn't exactly feeling it. But, I was there and was determined to move and do something. I warmed up my back squat a bit and did a 20 minute 1 min of 3 back squats at 165lbs and 1 min rest. That was it. I rolled out my back and called it a day. I am grateful with what I've been able to maintain and still do at the gym. I am simply just slower and I take deliberate breaks in workouts. Most WODs I can still do RX'd I'm just slower than I normally would be. Our WOD for Tuesday was 4 rounds 7 HSPU, 15 Wall Balls, 15 KB swings at 53lbs. I did every movement unbroken every round, I'm just smart take my rests to catch my breath and stay at a relatively steady slower pace. The WOD took me 12:03 to complete. My guess is that it would take me around 6-8 min if I wasn't prego... but not completely sure. A couple of Saturday's ago I took on 50lb dumbbell cleans.. LET ME TELL YOU that is NO JOKE!!!! Whoa that took some definitely technique. I recommend everyone work with dumbbells more than you do. Don't be discouraged when you find yourself using dbells at a lower weight than you imagined you'd be. Oh and using dbells followed by pull ups or toes2bar further strengthens my grip. I envision I will have the grip of a Greek god once after all this is said and done. Just sayin....

As of last Thursday at my OB appointment I lost 2.5lbs from my last appointment so I've roughly gained about 12-14lbs and have about 10 weeks to go. I'm doing pretty well. My OB said I shouldn't be losing weight though. I explained to her that at my last appointment I came in from a vacation weekend and probably carrying around some excess water weight. I then said I'm probably losing my GAINZZZ and she looked at me completely puzzled - to which I laughed and said it's probably some muscle mass - lets not worry about it. I have an appointment next week with a High Risk OB to review my file and the hole in my heart. My regular OB is concerned given the cardiologist I saw didn't give much insight on what to expect or cautions during labor/birth. Violet will be checked out more regularly as well just to be safe. I feel fine and if I get short of breathe or something I just slow down. My boobs seem to be growing somewhat again - WTF!! Seriously these thing are out of control. Who in their right mind would want boobs this big is beyond me, Dolly Parton??!! In any case, at some point in the near future, I imagine struggling to put on one of my sports bras and then unable to take it off. I carry scissors around with me just in case - fingers crossed it's not a Lulu! I have a "How to Breastfeed" class coming up I signed up for. Let's just say this, if my kid has trouble finding her way - we'll know she probably has some severe vision issues! Anyone and everyone could figure out where to SUCK!!!! It's just out of control!

My nutrition is pretty much status quo. I eat more grains than I normally would - but all in all I don't eat horrible in the slightest. If I go out to eat I enjoy myself and order what I want - I just don't over do anything. I don't eat regular treats/snacks. I try to have a salad a day usually my work lunches. Doesn't always happen but for the most part it does. Everything in moderation. This is after all the one time in life when I don't exactly have to be strict for a competition but at the same time - I make an effort to be healthy for Violet.

Thankfully, my Mom's kidney removal surgery was a complete success. She is CANCER free!! The cancerous tumor was confined to the inside of her right kidney which was removed. No chemo or radiation. She's at home recouping and getting ready for her new granddaughter to arrive. I'm extremely grateful - God knows I wasn't ready to tackle and fill her shoes. She's my rock and favorite person in the world. I can only hope to be just as great of a Mom to Violet as she was and still is to me.

So this one time I decided to try Glamour Shots for some Boudoir like Maternity pictures. The experience was seriously one of the WORST decisions of my life. They are one the most horrible places to ever go to and take photos let alone their service and prices What a FUCKING JOKE!! In any case, I can save that story for another day... But here's two of the only pictures I liked.

Till next time party people...