Friday, October 3, 2014

Contained Chaos

Welp I'm down to the wire of this pregnancy. 39 weeks and as of yesterday at my OB appointment, no sign of Miss Violet coming soon. 60% Effaced and 1cm dilated, for those that have kids, they understand that language. For those (like myself) who do not, it just means she's not really ready to come. She can still come any day now or weeks from now. Violet was at the same exact state last week so I think I've made a really comfy home for her and she's perfectly content. I'm not complaining, it's like contained chaos inside. She goes with me everywhere I go, eats when I eat, sleeps when I sleep and I don't have to worry about daycare issues and THAT sounds a whole lot easier then actually having her! In any case, if she's at the same state next week on my due date next Thursday we'll schedule me to get induced the follow Tuesday or Wednesday (10/14-10/15). I'm perfectly fine with that, in fact I like the scheduling part. It will be like I am going to another scheduled doctors appointment. Regularly, I am not a huge planner or need things on a schedule, but with this, I think I would just prefer it. I can make sure I'm ready and not looking like a disastrous shit show going into the hospital. My friends and family can plan accordingly and I can just feel like I remembered to pack everything etc.. Sounds way better to me. I tend to keep my hair looking nice and go to bed with my eye make-up on. You never know - and I refuse to look like ridiculous mess when I go into the hospital. HAHA- yea I know sounds fairly ridiculous but I have no shame in admitting that I may be slightly vain. I have rules of what pictures are allowed to be taken and posted as well. The friends and family have been warned. I also have rules about obnoxious bows for Violet. LESS IS MORE people LESS IS MORE!! I do not want ridiculous LARGE flower or bow headbands ever in her hair, like EVER!!!

Ok so on to more exciting things - I have definitely slowed down at the gym I'm rounder but still have only gained approximately 20lbs. My kid is perfect in size so no worries there as of last week she weighed in around 6lbs 11oz. In any case I still strive to get to the gym 5x a week and 1 day at yoga. I haven't been squatting nearly as much or rather doing a lot of our supplemental work at the gym. This Monday (at 38.5 weeks) I back squatted 175 no problem, it felt light and made me feel good about myself hahaha. There really isn't anything I can't do still. I'm just a little heavier so my reps are a little lower. I can do Handstand Push-ups still, butterfly pull ups, push-ups, cleans, KB swings with 53lbs. I'm just safe and slower about it. What helps, doing EMOMs and/or built in rests. EMOMs help because I stick with a set amount that I can maintain. Built in rests WODs keep my rests in order for me as well. Yesterday our class wod was 16min EMOM, Odd minutes - 5 touch & go power cleans, 10 push-ups. I could maintain it all only did 115lb for the cleans. I do my push-ups with my feet on a 45lb plate so I clear my Violet bump and I could maintain 10 push-ups unbroken. It was good. I get worried I'm losing strength and I know I shouldn't worry about that - I will be back in the gym full speed ahead in no time, but what can I say?? I worry!!!! There are days when I feel tired or off and I can't do the prescribed weight or I have to modify more, I roll with it and make adjustments. I'm lucky to be in tune with my body as much as I am because it does make the modifications easier for me to do or suggest to others. My goal is to be back in the gym a week after I have Violet. As long as all goes according to plan, that shouldn't be a problem. I swear I have videos but someone else takes them and he refuses to give them to me, I don't know what the hell he plans to do with them! HAHAHa... Yoga although I only go one time a week, has definitely worked wonders and I strongly recommend it for anyone especially pregnant woman. The relaxing aspects are wondrous, while the stretching and other movements help realign your back and really assist with any back or hip pains you may be having. Here are a couple of links to check out.

Benefits of Cat Cow Pose for pregnancy

10 Pregnancy Yoga Poses To Try

So I decided to take a breastfeeding class - WHOA I've never seen so many boobs that weren't mine in one sitting. Don't be scared it wasn't other woman in the class it was only on video. Okay I'll reason with you, I've possibly have seen some boobs in a porno a time or few but not for a two hour sitting at one time, so it was a bit intense!! There was a lot of nipple action!!!!! HA - In any case, the class was informative. It did give me a baseline of knowledge to know what to expect when I do try this breastfeeding thing. It will be hard work and I can tell it's definitely a hands on experience in order to actually learn how to do it......but I'm up for the challenge because the benefits for Violet as well as myself are next to none. I've also taken up reading a couple of books. I do recommend these books especially for the working mom. Not that if you don't work you shouldn't but as for this full-time working mom I will definitely need a routine and schedule. Attempting to have Violet on a routine and hopefully by the time I do go back to work she sleeps through the night, will make life way more manageable. The two books I am reading are Baby Wise and Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Baby. When children sleep through the night and/or get on regular sleep patterns it does help with fussiness and lord knows if I had a fussy baby - I may go nuts! ;-)

On top of reading I've also been food prepping and freezing things to have healthy food prepared instead of trying to cook once Violet is here or relying on others to bring me or make me food. I have 4 meals thus far prepared. It will be key to get my nutrition completely in order to ensure I lose the weight gain as well feed Violet nutritious food.

1. Pesto Chicken with spaghetti squash
2. Savory Pot Roast with cauliflower and carrots
3. My homemade amazing Carnitas
4. Chicken Stew with Spaghetti Squash.

Below are pictures of my chicken stew and the recipe.

  • 4-5lb Organic/Free Range whole chicken
  • 1 large spaghetti squash
  • 2 16oz organic chicken broths
  • 1 small bundle of organic carrots chopped
  • 1 small bundle organic leek chopped
  • 1small bundle of celery chopped
  • 2 tbsp of organic coconut oil or butter
  • Sea Salt to taste 
  • Pepper to taste
  • Herbs de Provence
  • Organic chicken bouillon (1-3 tbsp)
Use the seasonings suggested as you see fit to your tasting.

Throw everything except the spaghetti squash in the crockpot and only half of the seasonings. Cook on low for 4 hours or high for 2-3 hours. Check whole chicken and if meat is falling off the bone it's time to debone. Turn crockpot to warm and remove the whole chicken on a cutting board to begin deboning. Re-add the shredded chicken to the crockpot. 

While you're de-boning the chicken; cook the spaghetti squash in the microwave. Keep spaghetti squash whole; poke holes in it with a knife and cook for 4-5 minutes in the microwave. Turn spaghetti squash over and cook for an additional 2-3 minutes or until soft to touch depending on size of squash. Once complete shred the spaghetti squash and add crockpot. Taste broth, and season accordingly. 

Turn crockpot back on and cook for an additional 2-3 hours on low or 1-2 on high.

And finally - some updated pictures of my favorite aunts, uncles and grandparents

Thursday, September 4, 2014


A few days over a month since my last post. As much as I want to post more - I don't have much going on to share. I'm 35 weeks now (8 months) with about 5 weeks to go, give or take a day or days. SHITS ABOUT TO GET REAL!!! People ask me on the daily - "So when are you due?" At times I want to answer - oh you know one day or one week less than the last time you asked but I don't think they'd appreciate my sarcasm. Maybe I will just start wearing a sign. HAHAHA. Another question I get is how are you feeling and are you excited?!! Umm well I'm fat and it's hot - I tired is usually my answer. Am I excited? Excitingly SCARED SHITLESS is my constant answer to that question. In approximately one months time - I will have a kid in my arms. If I thought I was responsible before - think again. If I thought I was smart with several answers before - think again. If I thought I've had some practice with the ex's twin girls - think again. These are just some of the random thoughts. Others reassure me I will be a great mom and do just fine. They also reassure me that everyone is scared - and if they say they weren't they're lying. I'm sure I'll be fine with some adjustment but it's still some scary ass shit. I know I'll be a great Mommy - I have an amazing one that's taught me well (and still teaching me). On top of having a great mom, I have great friends who are amazing moms as well as friends who are just here to support me.

This path to motherhood is definitely a path of transitions. I'm extremely lucky to have had such an easy pregnancy so far. I've come to enjoy carrying around this little thing growing inside me. It didn't start that way. I was almost mad at first. I had to change my life before she was even born - it sucked, but it's a transition. It's a transition that no one can explain to you to understand. Don't get me wrong, I still get worried with how much weight I'm going to gain and have to lose but not like I stressed about it at the beginning. My life is still going to drastically change. Some days I will probably hate life while others will feel like nothing I've ever experienced. I feel sorry for guys, they can't ever experience growing a kid. Granted - most would be the biggest little bitches that none of us would ever want to deal with, but I still feel somewhat sorry for them. Guys truly don't get to go through the ups and downs of it all and grow to appreciate it all along the way. When you regularly feel a baby moving around inside - at first it's freaky and even seeing it in the mirror or something is alienish, but then when you all of a sudden don't feel it - you freak the fuck out and your Mommy instincts begin to kick in and you worry something may possibly be wrong. Nothing is - the kid just decided to change it up a bit on you and keep you on your toes.

Well I still pretend to kick ass at the gym - I still do on average 5-6 days a week in CrossFit and I added in prego peeps yoga once a week. I really like yoga, it's relaxing and polar opposite of crossfit. Yoga also helps with the lower back pain I sometimes experience. My days in the gym are definitely slower and less volume. I usually do the class WOD's whatever they are with modifications as necessary. I still try to hit each lift every week. Front, Back, OHS and jerk of some sort. I still can do most things RX such as pull-ups, HSPU's (on 25lb plates with an ab mat), I clean with the barbell in lighter weights or use dumbbells. I don't run - it's a waste of my time - I walk faster so I usually row or use the assault bike. I can still do box jumps but if I get slow I'll do step ups. I still do burpees they're just slightly modified. I do toes to bar on muscle up rings. It allows for a little better kip swing and easier on me so I consider that a modification. Today at 35 wks prego - I was excited to do some cleans. I've been staying away for the most part to avoid bad habits with the bar path, but dumbbells get old. We were working on 70-80% of our 1rm clean (full squat clean for those that need clarification) it was 5 sets of a (10 sec rest). I modified. I did hang cleans then front squats. I warmed up to 105lb squat cleans but I haven't caught anything in the hole in excess of 125lb for a long time (maybe week 20ish) I still based my weight off of at least 70% of 185lbs. I did two sets at 125lb and 3 sets at 135lb. I can't remember the last time I cleaned 135 it was a magical moment. Since I worked form the hang my thighs got a little chaffed from the bar - best feeling ever!!! I was definitely slower, my last rep I would land wide in the quarter squat so I know I will have some work to do after I have Violet. BUT - I can still hang clean 135lb no problem and front squat it no problem. I front squatted this past Saturday up to 155lb x3. I take my time - I warm up going up by 5lbs usually try and stay true to form as much as possible. I stopped at 155 because I was dropping my chest on the 2nd rep. It's hard not to still want to push and see if I can still do more weight - but it's not worth it. Yes I can still push it and do more then the average person can or will do pregnant - BUT I know my limits and take rests when I feel it. It's good to still have my coaches walk by and whisper - YO take it down a notch or slow down.... It's also great to have my coaches and friends believe in my abilities and allow me to still participate in everything. Thank you my RXD family.

So as of yesterday Violet weighs approximately 4lbs 12oz. She is in great condition. Lucky for her she does not show a hole in her heart like Mommy so that's great news. Because I do have a hole, she gets special treatment and has an ultrasound regularly. Her next ultrasound will be in two weeks to make sure she's still doing great. She is on the smaller side -but I'm only 5'4 and Daddy is only 5'9 both of us athletic and not big built so I wouldn't expect her to be on the larger side. I've gained approximately 16lbs thus far I started around 138-140lbs and weighed in at 154.5lbs today. I know she's growing fine because my stomach is still growing so although my weight hasn't increased much - I attribute it to some muscle loss as well. As for the hole in my heart. It's 1.5cm big, the right side of my heart (Right Ventricle) is slightly enlarged. Thankfully - my cardiologist is amazing!! Because I am in such great health I am doing fine doing well with the hole. The DR is surprised that I have not had any symptoms which I explained - I'm sure I have but I just push through the shortness of breathe during a workout because I overcome and try to better my conditioning. My resting heart rate at 4:30pm was 52bpm (that's athlete status fyi). The goal for labor is to have a natural birth without having to have a c-section, as long as there are no complications or my heart doesn't elevate extremely, that's what will happen. My cardiologist would much rather have that considering I will need to get the hole fixed once I have Violet and she doesn't want me to have to have two different surgeries within 2 months. As long as the hole doesn't get a larger, the surgery is NOT OPEN HEART surgery. It would be a more of an outpatient type of procedure with not as much down time. We'll cross that bridge when it comes. All I could think was - DAMN after the hole is fixed - you mean to tell me I'll be able to push it that much more?? Wait so I can become more bad ass?? HAHAHAHa.. I say that jokingly!! :-)

Here is a long video of almost one round of our WOD two saturday's ago.  The WOD was 3 rds 250m row, 15kbs at 70/53, 25 burpees, 15kbs, 250m row; 12 min rest between rounds. Goal was to go max effort each round. My max these days are approximately 70% at a steady pace for me. To paint a picture. My round times were 5:51; 5:59; 5:52; one of our top girls were averaging 4:15ish....

I don't have the time or desire to edit it at the moment - so I am sorry for the length, but you still love me!!!

Until next time party peeps!!!! Hey I'm off work in a week - I'll have some more time maybe, hopefully!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Grip of a Greek....

Words can't express exactly how busy I've been but have definitely missed updating more frequently. On top of multiple doctor appointments, two senior people in my department at work decided to up and quit. Work has doubled, it's stressful but I don't mind the challenge because all that it means is more opportunity for me - GAME ON... that being said, I get more and more tired these days. The third Trimester is no joke in terms of felling tired, run down and sluggish. I have to roll with it. This HEAT seriously has done me in the last couple of weeks. The air doesn't really run at my house but my bedroom is like what I imagine Hell to feel like - thank GOD I'll never be there when I die! It's like a stuffy hot box of air that doesn't move even though I have two fans on and the one little window open. I imagine the attic and my room have a great deal in common. I wake up on average 2-3x a night now, either to go pee and/or because I'm miserably HOT. I literally get up wash my feet in cold water and place a wet washcloth on my belly to feel cooled down. It's not fun in the slightest and come morning I have no desire to get up for work. I tend to stroll in closer to 9:30am the last couple of weeks - good thing about my office is that they run the air at like Igloo temperatures - so Violet and I are happy for most of the day. Besides my obvious Rant Bitch Sesh, all other things have been going well.

The gym status I'm usually there at least 5 days a week. I can't maintain as much volume as I once did and I have to be okay with that. And honestly I am. Some days I may just do our class WOD for the day, some days I may add in a small strength session before our class WOD and some days like yesterday, I just do a small strength session. Yesterday I felt tired - I took a 15 minute nap in the office, put my gym clothes on and wasn't exactly feeling it. But, I was there and was determined to move and do something. I warmed up my back squat a bit and did a 20 minute 1 min of 3 back squats at 165lbs and 1 min rest. That was it. I rolled out my back and called it a day. I am grateful with what I've been able to maintain and still do at the gym. I am simply just slower and I take deliberate breaks in workouts. Most WODs I can still do RX'd I'm just slower than I normally would be. Our WOD for Tuesday was 4 rounds 7 HSPU, 15 Wall Balls, 15 KB swings at 53lbs. I did every movement unbroken every round, I'm just smart take my rests to catch my breath and stay at a relatively steady slower pace. The WOD took me 12:03 to complete. My guess is that it would take me around 6-8 min if I wasn't prego... but not completely sure. A couple of Saturday's ago I took on 50lb dumbbell cleans.. LET ME TELL YOU that is NO JOKE!!!! Whoa that took some definitely technique. I recommend everyone work with dumbbells more than you do. Don't be discouraged when you find yourself using dbells at a lower weight than you imagined you'd be. Oh and using dbells followed by pull ups or toes2bar further strengthens my grip. I envision I will have the grip of a Greek god once after all this is said and done. Just sayin....

As of last Thursday at my OB appointment I lost 2.5lbs from my last appointment so I've roughly gained about 12-14lbs and have about 10 weeks to go. I'm doing pretty well. My OB said I shouldn't be losing weight though. I explained to her that at my last appointment I came in from a vacation weekend and probably carrying around some excess water weight. I then said I'm probably losing my GAINZZZ and she looked at me completely puzzled - to which I laughed and said it's probably some muscle mass - lets not worry about it. I have an appointment next week with a High Risk OB to review my file and the hole in my heart. My regular OB is concerned given the cardiologist I saw didn't give much insight on what to expect or cautions during labor/birth. Violet will be checked out more regularly as well just to be safe. I feel fine and if I get short of breathe or something I just slow down. My boobs seem to be growing somewhat again - WTF!! Seriously these thing are out of control. Who in their right mind would want boobs this big is beyond me, Dolly Parton??!! In any case, at some point in the near future, I imagine struggling to put on one of my sports bras and then unable to take it off. I carry scissors around with me just in case - fingers crossed it's not a Lulu! I have a "How to Breastfeed" class coming up I signed up for. Let's just say this, if my kid has trouble finding her way - we'll know she probably has some severe vision issues! Anyone and everyone could figure out where to SUCK!!!! It's just out of control!

My nutrition is pretty much status quo. I eat more grains than I normally would - but all in all I don't eat horrible in the slightest. If I go out to eat I enjoy myself and order what I want - I just don't over do anything. I don't eat regular treats/snacks. I try to have a salad a day usually my work lunches. Doesn't always happen but for the most part it does. Everything in moderation. This is after all the one time in life when I don't exactly have to be strict for a competition but at the same time - I make an effort to be healthy for Violet.

Thankfully, my Mom's kidney removal surgery was a complete success. She is CANCER free!! The cancerous tumor was confined to the inside of her right kidney which was removed. No chemo or radiation. She's at home recouping and getting ready for her new granddaughter to arrive. I'm extremely grateful - God knows I wasn't ready to tackle and fill her shoes. She's my rock and favorite person in the world. I can only hope to be just as great of a Mom to Violet as she was and still is to me.

So this one time I decided to try Glamour Shots for some Boudoir like Maternity pictures. The experience was seriously one of the WORST decisions of my life. They are one the most horrible places to ever go to and take photos let alone their service and prices What a FUCKING JOKE!! In any case, I can save that story for another day... But here's two of the only pictures I liked.

Till next time party people...

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Popped Sausage Link

Yup these last few days given the heat - I just feel like an overheated popped sausage. Geez can it get any hotter? PS I'm tired! So how is everyone? I've obviously been crazy busy! I seem to get tired more easily these days similar to the first trimester. I feel it is partially because of the heat and nonstop going I always do. Most nights after getting home from the gym have been consumed by baby registry completions. Review, research, add, delete - REPEAT.. Although I say I'm done with them, I'm sure I am missing plenty of things. I decided to register at Babies R Us and Amazon so people have options should they prefer in person or online. People love options. Seriously exciting work people - let me tell you!!! Although I do admit I'm rather excited about the diaper bag I hope I get lol! 

This week I am about 6 months or for the "technicals" 27 weeks - I am grateful that I can still do most things at the gym. I'm obviously slower I can tell that but I'm still moving and able to do most movements. Dumbbell cleans get old in WODs but it's ok, my shrug for lifts is getting better because of it. I worked up to a heavy 5RM back squat, usually I've been doing working sets of 4x5 at 165lbs. I decided I would see how far I could get with the class and still feel comfortable. I did 185lbs...AWESOME sauce.. that's 80% of my previous 1RM at 235lbs and without a weight belt - its a victory in my mind :-) Hopefully when I get back, I'll have a new PR - hahahaha. I can also maintain 10 unbroken butterfly pull-ups. Yesterday's WOD was every 2 min for 20 min complete 5 power cleans @ 155/105, 10 c2b pull-ups & 5 burpees. My modifications were 40lb dumbbells, 10 regular pull-ups and 5 burpees. I would finish within in 1-1:15 minutes and could maintain my pull-ups unbroken. I was happy about that. Last Friday I did c2b pull-ups (80 reps to be exact) I could maintain 5 without falling off the bar but not necessarily simultaneously without restarting my kip. 50 of the reps were in the wod and they took me like 6 minutes!! YIKES.. Given that, I decided last night it was best to do regular pull-ups and move faster versus trying to maintain only 5 c2b pull-ups. I guess being a coach helps when it comes to quickly being able to access the WOD and modify. I whined a little and wanted to do the cleans because 105lb power cleans are cake - but I new what the answer was going to be. LOL. 

It seems CrossFit RXD is a new baby factory - should you come visit, watch out when you drink the water!!! You've officially been warned!!!! There are 3-5 newborns within the last 3 months or so and another 4-5 of us pregnant. I think we'll need a nursery soon. Anyhow, it's nice to now have one of us coaches going through it to assist with modifying as well as just being more understanding of all the other random shit us pregnant chicks go through. So what does a prego burpee look like these days...Go down like a normal burpee except you do a controlled push up on your knees for the floor portion and still jump up and clap your hands! Goal is still still move fast but I'll admit these are harder than regular burpees. They are slower so it's not the same because you're just not moving as fast period. The next modification would just be kick outs without the "push-up" portion. I haven't attempted a muscle-up this week or last. I'm little nervous and sad I won't have them anymore. I've worked on the swing/kip/lifting of hips and can still do ring dips but haven't given them a try. I feel like my split jerk is weaker but not sure if it's I haven't been working on it a lot or if it's my core compromised. Possibly both. Still following our current programming for strength and doing the weights based on my original PR of 165lbs. I can maintain the weight of the percentages prescribed in our programming so far it's only been up to 135lbs. 

Health wise - Baby Violet is doing great. She's about 2lbs now and her heartbeat is strong at 145bpm. I'm doing well and have gained 15lbs thus far. We shall see how that progresses now in my 3rd and last trimester. My nutrition - I must admit going out of town the past two weekends in a row just makes it 100x easier to eat crappy food. Add some fried food/bread/grains in general with the heat, I've now experienced swollen feet a couple of times and I don't like it! They don't become kankles or anything so chill out but I can definitely feel the affects of shitty food! And when I say shitty food, I mean eating bread or having some fries something like that. I don't mean jumping off the bridge into a bowl of ice cream, candy, pizza, pasta etc...I just mean eating excess grains out of my norm. Striving to clean my act up this week and back to my yummy kale salads for lunch with minimal cheats of bread/grains on the weekend. I threw away my so-called free pass for eating shit and will only do so on seldom occasions. I haven't gotten this far to start fucking up and gaining excess weight for no reason at the end of this pregnancy. Let alone - this is when I will start to gain even more weight!! FUCK That... Had a dr's appointment this past week and apparently I have a hole in my heart which caused the heart murmur my OB heard. The right side of my heart is enlarged and being over worked. It explains the extreme exhaustion and out of breathe feeling I had all through the first trimester. My heart had to start working double time once I got pregnant because we pump twice as much blood. I can't do anything about now until after I have Violet. I don't foresee this being a huge issue, but I'm sure my OB will want to be cautious. I will see what she has to say at my next appointment with her next week once she has the results from my cardiologist. I honestly don't really feel all that different nor do I think it's a big deal but what the hell do I know. I'll continue doing what I'm doing and go from there. 

My Mom decided to give us a scare and had to have emergency surgery this past Tuesday for a kidney removal. I was the calm positive one (along with herself) we're hoping all is good and we're in the clear but there are factors to be concerned with still. Her doctor is very positive and the surgery went well - so send your positive vibes, thoughts, prayers or whatever you like to call it.  Besides, she has a granddaughter to care for so get your shit together woman - we need you!! (She knows me well and knows I say that all with the most love so don't get your panties ruffled). 

Till next time!!! Comment or email me if you have any questions... 

Violet and I getting some sun in La Quinta

Using Violet and Fruit to make a smile
Don't mind the boobs

Bryan and I teamed up for a fun random photo scavenger hunt. We didn't win but our 2nd place finish photo could not be shared with the general public! :-)

Great minds think alike
Shots-Shots-Shots EVERYBODY!!
Yes I am still rocking the MIKOH Bikini (bottoms only Iv'e had to buy new tops for obvious reasons) My ass may seem large in this picture but I can assure you those are smalls!
Don't ask

Happy Birthday Nyra!! We love you xoxoxoxoxo....

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Blogging is TIME Consuming! UPDATE...

Hello All....

Okay so epic fail on the 30 day challenge - I seriously can't keep up with this. I have shit to write about but no time to update. By the time I get home (usually 8:30pm or later) the last thing I have time to do is update my blog or have the energy to do so. Lately, I've been so busy at work that I've been logging in to get some additional stuff done. With doctor appointments and other things that come up it cuts into my work schedule.
Well what's new? I usually answer this question with "Same shit different day", now I've just added to it with "just getting rounder" or "Just becoming large and in charge!" HAHA.. At least that's how I feel! I'm a couple days shy of 24 weeks now or 5.5 months big. Most things seem to be the same size just the front of me is growing - my stomach and boobs. Boobs have calmed down some at least the stomach is catching up to them. I couldn't tell you how much I've gained as of now. Just like before I was pregnant, I'm not overly concerned with the scale as long as I am not getting disgustingly huge and eating like complete shit - I know I'm doing ok. If my legs, arms or ass started growing HUGE - then I know I have a problem and will watch it and weigh in daily. I still try to dress up like I normally would BBP (before being prego). Some co-workers ask when I plan to give up the heels - UMM never are you crazy bitch, I refuse to give up my amazing heels! I don't know where someone wrote it but apparently many believe pregnant woman should be in house sweats and flats (WHATTTTT - insert screaming emoticon face here).

I seem to be getting more tired regularly these days. Similar to the first trimester, in the afternoon, I'd really love to take a half-hour nap. Once in a while I can sneak into our break room and post up in one of the booths and rest for a bit. Sitting in lounging or extra cushioning type seats are becoming more difficult to get out of. I'm pretty sure people get entertained watching. I am embracing more assistance these days - if someone grabs a door, bag, box, barbell whatever - I allow them to help. I can do it - yes of course, but this is a once in a lifetime chance for others to be nice and want to help, why not accept and embrace.

I find it amazing how nice fellow woman are when you're pregnant and going to be a fellow mother. Hell woman I wouldn't even consider friends are nice and understanding. I think that's why woman are so unique and different in comparison to men. This may be the one instance in when woman will put down their claws and offer some comforting words, encouragement etc. if they have in fact ever been pregnant. Don't get me wrong - I still have some haters, but those broads never phased me to begin with so I pay no mind. It's like your inducted into a new found cool-crowd group. For those involved in CrossFit, remember your life pre-CF then after it was like you were now a part of this new cool kids crew and accepted. It's fairly similar. I imagine that I will understand this new cool-crowd group and be fully accepted once Violet comes along.

So as of last week - I've officially given up full movement cleans and snatches with a barbell... (this was EXTREMELY tough to admit and adhere to). Considering the baby bump is growing, I don't want to give my little spaghetti squash a concussion and I don't want to create really bad habits of bar path movement - it was time to give it up. Yes, I can still clean heavy - as of last week I was still cleaning up to 145 but my coaches felt it was time and I agreed. Listen - I already have bad habits with my oly lifts especially snatches. I am better off working the 1 and 2 positions from the ground in both my lifts up to opening up my hips to the shrug anyway. My strength now look something like this. Part A: work from ground cleans 1st & 2nd Pull Part B: 5x3 front squat (or back) Part C: Jerks 5x3 or a hybrid of a barbell complex which does require me to set up two different barbells and it may look something like - Snatch 1st-2nd pulls x 2-3 reps; Snatch Balance x 2-3; Overhead Squat x 2-3 reps. Honestly, I couldn't remember the last time I had scrapes all up my chins from working on snatches and now I do - it's good thing. My goal at this rate is to maintain as much as possible while at the same time working on my mechanics. In turn I really do hope that it helps when I come back to move more efficiently as a crossfitter in general. During WOD's I use dumbbells now. At first, I viewed the dumbbells as a SEVERE modification and wanted to try and do just as heavy as the barbell was calling 'RX' in the WOD..BAAHHhhaaaaa... umm NO - dumbbells are more work cleans or snatch wise so I'm trying not to get hung up if I use 35-40lb dbells and the weight of a barbell is 95lbs or higher. All in all - I can still do everything. Pull-ups strict, regular and chest. Ring Dips - Push ups - Deficit HSPU's on 2 sets of 25lb plates with an abmat in the middle. Yesterday I did pistols to a wallball for some support and guidance. I try to avoiding doing running WODs and opt for rowing because I am just so slow at it (every step feels like I am going to pee and my uterus fall out) but I will from time to time. I know I move slower or have to be more cautious (i.e. controlled burpees) so it bums me out at times because I am not winded after a workout and feel like it was completely easy. It's all about finding happy mediums and striving for maintaining as much as possible - and just going with it. For those of you pregnant - ask your coaches how your bar path is looking for oly lifts - I was able to proceed a little longer then some because I already have big boobs and have had to lean back more for my bar path.

Nutrition is pretty much status quo - I eat well for most of the week 4-5 days a week and on the weekends I allow myself shit I normally wouldn't slightly more in excess than I would've BBP. That being said - if I really feel like having a scoop of ice cream during the week because someone is sharing - I'll have some or wont. I don't over eat nor eat a bunch of crap so I'm not too worried about it right now. I am however obsessed with infused waters. This beauty was infused with strawberries, cucumber, lime and mint.

This past Saturday my Mom and I went Violet shopping. For those that don't know - baby is going to be named Violet Reigh. I visited 4 different stores looking at cribs and nursery furniture sets. At the last location (Babies R Us) I decided what I want. At 5:30pm my Mom proceeds to tell me that I really need to start my baby registry. Ughhhh HUH??? My baby showers wont be until the end of August and beginning/mid September - it's JUNE! So I said fine - I'll just put a few items on there to start the process. I proceed to the bottle section... I think I almost hyperventilated!!! I spent over a half-hour just looking at bottles and deciding which one I should go with WTEEEFFFFFFF!!!! I knew I didn't want Dr. Brown's bottles because I've dealt with those in the past with my ex and his two girls. But HOLY SHIT!!! Finally - I choose one brand and put the starter kit on the list. My Mom and Aunt are both with me giving their opinions and talking about how they didn't have all these options blah blah blah... NO help with them NONE!!! I slither down a couple of aisles to little bath tubs.. Do you know they have spa like little tubs for infants - SERIOUSLY??? I'm pretty sure the kid is only concerned with how long until this is over and has no desire to sit in the jet spa enjoying a glass of wine at 1 month old, right?? I on the other hand would LOVE TO! Anyhow, I put some random shit on the list not really into it because I went into SEVERE baby overload and it was NOT fun in the slightest. I wanted to run out of there screaming all the way to the nearest bar and just get WASTED!! Don't worry - I didn't! HAHA.. It was now 7pm, we left at 12. I tell my Mom and Aunt - okay I'm done. I was already supposed to be at the Divorce, Daiquiri and Disco party for a friend and here I am still at Babies R Us. I left and took a power nap for 15 minutes then got ready for the party. All can say is that I will probably do most of the "registering" online. I ask other moms for advise, what they like, don't like and reasons why - it helps narrow some shit down. A lot of people ask me if I am excited and don't exactly understand why I am not overly gushy and wanting to go baby shopping all the time. I'm just not gushy type in general. I am happy and I really don't mind being pregnant it's been relatively easy for me. Just don't expect me to do cartwheels or start sobbing about all kinds of random baby shit.

Here are some updated pictures a couple from the 4D Ultrasound one from the DDD party Saturday night and Violet and I, Father's Day photo... I am hoping to get some photos done soon at the gym and beach with a photography friend... YAY!!
I'm pretty sure she has my nose! :-)

We're to SEXY!! HAHAHAA #milfintraining

Thursday, June 5, 2014

30 Day Pregnancy Challenge - Day One

So I found this "challenge" on Tumblr and thought it would be a relatively easy thing I could do to post regularly! Let's hope I can keep up with it!

Day One:

A Picture of me and 5 facts:

Well most of you know what I look like so... here's one of my favorites!!
5 Facts:

1. On top of being a CrossFit coach at RXD I am also an Insurance Broker in Executive Liability. I won’t get too technical with that. I don’t want to completely entertain you – just a little!!! I genuinely love my job. It’s stressful but fun and I’m usually going 100 miles an hour. I like my main office in Irvine and my co-workers (obviously some more than others). In Executive Liability I actually get to use my brain which is good thing if you ask most people. Granted I’d much rather work hours of 10-2pm and the commute can suck. I can work from home but I’m more productive in the office and how else are you going to network??!! Love my LA office but despise the travel to that place!!! Working my way up the ladder and enjoying the tough road is basically the way I look at it.

2. I have a SHIT TON of siblings. This one can get interesting please read and follow along. OK So my Real Dad as I refer to him was what most would consider a “Ladies Man”.  
a.        Half Brother – Vince (older and in his 40’s)
b.       Full Sis – Michelle (younger by 3 years which makes her 30)
c.        Half Bro – I don’t know his name – never met him he lives in NJ…I think???
d.       Half Sis – Cenah born in 1996
e.       Half Bro – Clayton JR aka Jr born in 1999 maybe 2000
f.         Half Sis – Liliana she’s a cheerleader and in grade school I think she was born in 2006? Maybe 2005 or 2007…. Sorry I don’t write this shit down & I forget.
This list is what we officially know of from my real Dad J My Mom, I’m certain it’s just my sister Michelle and I. I also have two step sisters Virginia and Lacey and a step brother Charlie.. I don’t refer to them as steps either they’re a part of my life and consider them all my siblings, brothers and sisters just as I do my “halves” (obviously with the exception of the one I don’t even know his name). Poor guy – that sucks I guess. Maybe we’ll all end up on one of those long lost siblings reunited reality TV show..  Highly unlikely – but sounded funny!

3. I HATE walking barefoot and think it’s DISGUSTING when I see people do it or let their kids run around barefoot and they’re black!! SOOOOOOO GROSS.. Even in my house I put flip flops on as soon as I get out of the shower. On carpet, pavement, wood floors WHATEVER – I have something on. They only time I don’t is when I hit the sand at the beach or I am in the water in a pool or in the ocean.

4.       I’m terrified of clowns. Don’t try and scare me later with this knowledge – I can still slap an asshole! I’m not as bad as I used to be, but still really scared. I wonder if others just don’t realize the danger you’re in with clowns around? Those creepy mother fuckers will KILL YOU! Especially the little people ones – and don’t get me started on Leprechauns!! They’re always little people and every movie they’ve ever been in they just murder people! It’s safe to say that I will not be seen at any circus so don’t bother to invite and if you come to my kids birthday, I can promise NO FUCKING clowns will be there! (I apologize for offending any little people – as long as you don’t dress up like a clown or Leprechaun, we’re cool so chill out).

5. I have a thing for super heroes, ninja turtles, and star wars. My top favs.. Ugghhh  Super Man, Batman, Raphael, Chewie…. Oh and I collect coffee mugs with all my favs on them!

Until next time party people…. Xoxoxo… Oh yea – one other fine moment with Melisa – So I was texting a male friend about getting a 4D ultrasound for baby Violet,  it went something like this – see the pic!
I guess I'm supposed to cry when I have a 4D ultrasound??? Background real quick. A friend's wife works for a medical equipment company they were having some training on their 4D ultrasound systems. I went in so they could do the training on a prego chick!! :-) It was cool to see, but I had no desire to cry... At times I wonder if I'm missing some chick emotions.  

Monday, June 2, 2014

Gender Reveal Update - MY MOM IS CRAZZZZZzziieee

So this past Friday I had my anatomy ultrasound and got to find out what the sex of the baby is. My problem - the tech did not sound 100% and said she couldn't say for certain but said "I have a pretty good idea and pretty sure it was...". So later I cut into my cake and found out it was a girl. As I cut into the cake in front of everyone I don't think I even saw what color the frosting filling was before my Mom started jumping around like a mad woman and screaming at the top of her lungs. I was taken back and honestly, I'm not sure I've fully taken it in still even though the filling was pink showing I was having a girl.

If you read my previous post, you'd know that's what I was hoping for. Because the ultrasound tech wasn't completely sure and the over excitement taken over by Mom -  I guess I will just have to take a while to digest it and believe it. I'm pretty sure most of the pictures taken you can see this somewhat frantic look in my face and overwhelming huge eyes of WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?? Am I having a girl or a boy?? Apparently my Mom knows and is extremely happy about this - Oh it must be a girl, that's what she wanted!! Okay look down - it - it's a girl...YAY... oh shit wait, the ultrasound chick said she wasn't sure...I don't believe it..FUCK ME!! Am I really having a girl?? I guess at this point I will carry on as though I am in fact having a girl and just try to confirm with the next ultrasound. Not much else to do right? LOL!! I think I'm sort of in disbelief about a lot of things. This pregnancy in general has been REALLY EASY; I haven't been sick with any kind of morning sickness; until now, I've been able to go about my CrossFit life with minimal changes; I've only gained 10-12lbs and after more than halfway (4.5 months),  from what I understand is really good; that if I also get to have a girl - HOW LUCKY WOULD that make me? What did I do to deserve all of this? I have no clue. I am a nice person, but not the nicest in the world. I try and do the right thing, but not a rule follower. I help others, but can't we always do more? My name is definitely not Mother Theresa, that's for DAMN sure. At times I have to stop my self from complaining when I'm having to make minimal modifications at the gym, when I eat some crap food and feel guilty about it - when I do something nice for someone else like staying later at the gym or just whatever the request is and say shut the fuck up Melisa - you're one lucky person thus far in life let alone your pregnancy. I am lucky for the people in my life that make the bumps in the road easier.

My Aunt Sandie, Cousin Anna and Cousin's daughter (great Cousin Samantha)
Have fun with this video - You will understand why I say my Mom screamed like a mad woman!! Thanks for catching this Alicia!

Had a good time working out tonight with our 7pm class.
500M Row
10 burpee box jumps
20 toes 2 bar
30 wall balls
40 KB swings at 35lb
50 double unders
Rest 3 Min
Repeat for AMRAP 6Min (Start at Row)
Rest 3 Min
Repeat complete WOD (Start from Row)  for Total time of 25:01

I was happy I could still do 10 unbroken Toes 2 bar and did 40 KB swings unbroken. It's the small things that make me happy. But then after our coaches meeting I got up on the rings and did A muscle up! :-) Yes A single muscle up but at 21 weeks and 6 days (so almost 22 weeks), this makes me EXTREMELY happy!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Yea I suck - really I am just extremely busy. I actually got home before 9pm tonight and already had dinner prepped so I have some time finally to update. Soooo let's see, I've officially moved from Anaheim Hills to Brea now. My commute to Irvine (near John Wayne) sucks but I've just decided to leave after 8:30am and get to the office around 9:15 and it makes it bearable because most traffic has died down. Prior to I was leaving by 7:45 and getting there at the same time with the exception of I wanted to bitch slap anyone who came in close enough proximity. I love my new digs and there is tons of room for baby when they get here. YAY we won't have to share a room! There is a little yapper shit dog running around but she's sweet so I cut her some slack lol!! I really am a lucky person to have such amazing family and friends in my life. Thankfully my friends came through and helped me move my countless shoes and clothes. Bryan although training for CrossFit games, helped with all the heavy things and all I told him was please don't break yourself helping me - everyone will hate me! I really thank all of them for all their help and support.

So CrossFit regionals just passed this past weekend. At times it was hard to watch and not be out on the floor competing. Deep down I think I still wanted to do it but knew it wasn't worth it. I was so proud of all the girls who represented our gym especially the team. They trained their butts off to try and prepare for the weekend. All I really wanted them to gain this weekend was confidence they could do this and the desire to continue. Regardless, I had a blast all weekend. It was great to see all my friends from different gyms across SoCal and catch up with people. A ton of people rubbed my belly and said how cute I look, that was sweet. I've grown accustomed to the constant belly rubs, apparently it comes with the territory. I really don't mind lol!

What this weekend did for me; made me realize that I want to be out there so much more. I realize that after I have baby which is in mid October and get back to the gym I will only have 3 months to train for the open to get ready. Is that enough time?? Who knows but I will try my hardest to qualify individually again. I love my team and these past two years I tried my hardest for the benefit of the team. What this weekend really did for me was just fuel my fire for myself. The next time I qualify individually - I WILL GO Individual. I'm not the best, I don't have the best form, but I have heart. I don't think I will make the games any time soon (ok maybe when I get to the age of the masters) but I will always do my best and I always have fun doing this. People get so worked up and serious they lose sight that although this is a sport, it's supposed to be fun as well.

I'm trying to stay as active and do as much as I still can "RX'd" as I possibly can right now to try and maintain my strength and lungs but I feel them slipping here and there. It takes me a few minutes to re-adjust or get re-acclimated to the ever growing belly in a WOD but I figure it out and keep going. It gets extremely frustrating when a WOD is a short sprint and I feel like I didn't do anything or was really slow the first half and there is only 4 minutes left or something. At 20+ weeks I can still do everything, slower for sure but everything when it comes to crossfit movements. I haven't done a muscle up this week but at 20 weeks I still had them, we shall see. I don't do them in a WOD it isn't worth it, I just do 1-3 during the week just to say YAY I still have them. I was told to use an abmat yesterday for my HSPU's. It was only 5 of them per round but I am heavier so pounding my head down to the ground may not be the wisest thing. I will compromise and use plates to make it level with the mat so I'm still doing them RX'd until I can't anymore. My pistols were still there it took me a few rounds to get readjusted but once I figured it out, I was good slow but good. My pull ups they're there but I can't maintain in excess of 10 for many rounds. If you're pregnant and reading this, go with what makes you feel comfortable and you can physically do. I'm figuring out my limits as I go too. Today I had to decrease some reps on a WOD I decided to do from Outlaw. There were a lot of burpees and several barbell reps of thrusters, power snatches, push jerks, hang squat cleans & overhead squats. (basically 2RFT of 12 reps at 75lbs for bar work and burpees in btwn each movement) the 2nd round I cut the bar work to 6 reps. I did this after 5x5 of back squats. I noticed the wod going possibly going over 20 minutes so I decreased the bar work. I'm slower and conscience when doing burpees I basically have to do the push up so I control it, it makes it harder and more work.

My DIET.... wellllllll I've definitely done a better job of it in the past, but I can guarantee you I'm far better than the average pregnant person. I do eat what I want more so than what I've done in the past 5 years. I usually am good during the week and starting Friday night if I go out to eat I'll enjoy the bread or chips or something like that. I may have dessert at times but sweets aren't exactly my thing. With the move and regionals it was easy to get off track with prepping and eating out more, so this week I made sure to make a good dinner and bought my usual Kale and Spinach for salads at work for lunch along with some orange chicken I made. We shall see how bad I've been at my doctor's appointment on Friday when I weigh in!! YIKES!! I don't swell or have any other aliments like that so far. And I am trying to keep up with drinking my water, but know I should be drinking more. 

I do have some updated recipes and photos I will make sure to post!

I get to find out what I am having as well on Friday. Everyone keeps asking me if I am excited to find out. Ummm NO is my answer lol! Okay two days away I'm a little anxious. So I explain to people who ask if I'm excited and I say no;  "At the end of the day I can't change what I am having. Boy or girl all I really want is for the baby to be healthy and happy."Yes, deep down I'd prefer to have a girl.  When we all bite into a cupcake at the gender reveal on Friday night if it's a boy - I will have to take a moment, turn around, take a breather and turn back around with a smile and YAY it's boy!!! It will be fake for that particular moment but regardless I will be happy with whatever. My names are picked out so it doesn't matter. The pregnancy wasn't planned it's not on my time but it was my time. I know whatever sex the baby is, that's what I am intended to have and can handle. Either way can the baby please have Daddy's eyes (BLUE) and my color hair (brunette) HAHAHHA..

Picture updates.....
So this dress emphasizes the bump but it's cute! This picture was actually taken on Mother's Day. I was roughly 18 weeks, I officially popped and started to show. The following Monday I was in Sprouts and a gentleman asked me how far along I was. This made me extremely happy! Why, because I don't look like a fat ass I just look pregnant!! THANK GOD!

These two gems were taken on Monday at 4.5 months or just a few days over the halfway mark at 20 weeks 4 days. I think for the most part I still look the same just have the baby bump. We shall see how long that lasts. I only have the outline of my abs these days but I think my man traps are getting bigger because my boobs are just huge and my sports bras are working on over time to hold them up. My arms still look relatively buff along with my quads. I think because I don't squat as heavy my butt has gotten smaller that's saddening but can't have it all can we??!! Oh yea and so far the tattoo hasn't increased in size I will make sure to keep you updated on the lettering size! 

I really need to take some videos of working out or other pictures in general I suck at asking people to take pix of me over and over again to post! HAHHA...

Until next time party people. Please feel free to share with others looking for some WODDing or nutrition advise. I can respond a lot quicker with comments or personal emails then I can with an updated post. 

I leave you with this - in light of a sad, sad loss of one of the great woman of our time: 

“You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them. Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud. Do not complain. Make every effort to change things you do not like. If you cannot make a change, change the way you have been thinking. You might find a new solution.” 
 Maya Angelou, Letter to My Daughter

Sunday, May 11, 2014


So I know I promised I would update sooner and more frequently but life just happens. Between work being extremely busy, went on a 4 night cruise and in the process of moving - I just haven't had time. What better day to update then Mother's Day - right?!!

Happy Mother's Day to all the woman out there - if you've lost a child or you're trying to conceive a child - YOU ARE NOT FORGOTTEN on this day. I have so many woman in my life that have been influential in some way shape or form, and for that I am extremely grateful. Do you really have to have a kid to say you're a mother? I personally don't think - some just have a gift of being that "Motherly" type of person or voice in your life. With all that said - I truly do have an AMAZING Mom. Words can't describe the person she is not only to me but to others in her life. She has taught me so much and I only hope that I can be half the woman she is, including being half the Mom she has been to me. I know I can be completely selfish (more like my Dad). I hope it wears off some when I have my baby. I'd say I'm a selfless person with friends and family most of the time, but I still do what I want and when I want. I foresee this all changing - GOD grant my kid some patience, PLEASE! Another amazing person in my life has been my Aunt. She's strong, goes after what she wants in life and no one is getting in her way of that or telling her different. Our birthday's are a day apart - we love shopping, clothes and shoes. We have so much in common it's crazy - She's a rock in my foundation and without her as well as my Mom - I would've crumbled into a million pieces one hundred times over. It's amazing what both woman have instilled in me and my beliefs, I am truly one lucky person. There are many other woman in my life that have taught me so many different things, they all hold a special place in my heart.

So what else is going on in my so called life - hmmmmm.. Well I officially said I was NOT doing regionals - that was pretty much a given but hey in my mind there was still a chance, and trust me that still hasn't changed HAHA. It's bittersweet. I'm so proud and happy of the girls that will be on the team for training their butts off and doing their best. Everyone is still treating me as though I am a part of the team which makes this "stepping down" 100 times easier. I will be sad come regionals weekend I am not out there competing BIG TIME. I can't lie about that in the slightest. I wish I could just do one workout - I mean can't I get injured or something like that and do one WOD?? Why do we have alternates?!! HAHAHAHA Surprisingly at this time I can still do everything, however those strict HSPUs would have me. I'm like dead weight on the mat, I feel like. My pistols are worse now (I was never great at them to begin with) and my muscle ups - well I can do one and rest or do chest to bar pull ups and then next round do another one! LOL!! Ahh man - I'm becoming a fat ass in front of my very eyes and I just see my skills going out the window - it blows. Burpees seem to be the slowest thing for me, obviously I am not my normal self thrashing my body down to the ground. I'm more of a lady about it;  kinda like a newbie, I lie down gently. There are jokes as I work out now about doing somewhat heavy overhead squats and baby popping out, it's hilarious! I absolutely love my gym and my friends/teammates, they keep me sane in this crazy ass moment during my life.

I bought some maternity clothes - yea WTF???? Not to worry I wear extra smalls or smalls. I just bought some dresses and a pair a jeans. After looking at clothes in Motherhood and Target - I decided to check out eBay for stuff. I don't plan on keeping this shit or having another kid ANYTIME soon, if ever so why not - I'd assume most chicks selling stuff on there are in the same mind frame right?!! So buying some designer AE jeans for $15 sounds like a legit idea to me! Anyhow - I found some amazing things and highly recommend chicks doing that. I'd still rather save my money and buy some amazing shoes :-) Another clever thing I've come to realize - ughh ladies save your money and don't buy those belly bands they try to sell your for +$20 or so... GUESS what bandeau bras work just as well or better!! So I've finally reached the point wear my 26's and some 27's can button up but they're uncomfortably tight! While on my cruise I discovered that a bandeau bra was by NO means holding my boobs up AT ALLLLLLLLL...but slide it down and TADA Belly band! It worked awesome! No sense in buying the actual bands I can just get a couple of bandeaus for like $5 at the chinita stores and I'm good to go! My mexican friends will get "chinita" hahaha.. See I even have money saving tips for you guys.

I don't have some amazingly funny stories at this time (sad face) sorry.. nor do I have any recent baby bump pix it's there TRUST ME! I have these pix from the cruise and one of them we were ghetto didn't want to spend $22 for a damn picture they took of us so we took a picture with our phone! HA

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Shit I got busy...

Well hello all…



Sorry it’s been a little over a week, I’ve just been busy at work and too tired to want to write this up late at night. There isn’t too much going anyway. Kind of status quo and trucking along getting used to this whole I’m having a baby thing. I get more excited about it these days and I'm happy regardless of any other circumstances. That has to be a positive right?! HAHA. What I do know is that I truly do have the best of friends and family. They’re all so supportive and helping. I am so grateful and love them all. It will definitely make things easier.


On an even more positive note – I think my boobs have slowed down in their growing spurts and my belly is starting to slightly grow. YAY!! I can still fit into my 36E for the time being! Yes I said – 36E!


I’m telling you, when I went to buy some new bras a few weeks back it was NOT a fun time!! I must have tried on at least 20 different bras and it took over an hour in the store! What the FUCK? Mind you this was my first outing to go somewhat baby shopping. I looked at some bras at other stores but didn’t see anything too exciting and by exciting I mean comfortable; NOT sexy which is usually what I am shopping for when I am buying bras. In any case I finally walk into a Motherhood store. The lady working there was really EXCITED and happy to help me. Ugghh yay for BRAS I guess? I tell her I am looking for 34DDs and she looks down at my rack and says hmmm…let’s measure. She glares at me and in her sweet but overly HAPPY voice she says, “Sweetie you’re a 34E but, we don’t carry 34’s in size E so you’ll have to go with a 36E.” Ugghhh FUCK ME – REALLY??? How am I even going to fit these suckers in anything?? Is what went through my head, I think I only said FUCK ME out loud..not sure though. So, she pulls out bra after bra after bra…I hate the full coverage ones, I am not a GRANDMA let’s get this shit straight lady!!! We go with Demi cut ones. My Mom wants to help as if I am all of a sudden a child again and need assistance in the fitting room – really? I am going to have a kid of my own crazy lady – I think I can manage putting on a bra or two or twenty! After the first 15 bras I try on I find two I am happy with. Well go figure, they’re having a damn sale buy 3 you get one free….Well happy lady at Motherhood is really trying hard to capitalize on this offer so she pulls out a few more bras for me to try on and I cave and try on a few more. I liked NONE of them. I walk out and say ok just these two! She then tries to sell me some belly bands for my pants etc. and I’m like ugh NO – I’m done I’d like to pay and leave now, THANKS (BIG SMILE ON MY FACE). Somehow I get suckered into donating money to the March of Dimes at check out because I just want this lady to hurry up and shut up that I was willing to give her my soul to just be done and get the hell out of the store. 1.5 hours later I have a nude and black bra that fit are super SEXY!! Oh I mean comfortable, hey at least I have several underwear that still match to give me the feeling of I am still looking sexy right? HAHA.  


Here are few pictures showing a little belly – I am 16 weeks now. 2 with my regular gym clothes and 2 with my regular work clothes :-)


I posted an update on Facebook the other day about working out and how I am still able to do muscle ups, handstand push-ups and chest-2-bar pull-ups. WHOA did that start a debate with all the medical professionals out there. Seriously people – are you a Doctor, a Nurse Practitioner who works with conditioned athletes, anything remotely close to that? NO – oh I am sorry; so basically what you’re telling me is that you’ve decided to give your opinion on my Facebook page got it! THANKS (as I shake my head)!! Now I say this sarcastically but I do know that most are just looking out for me and the baby. I do appreciate that very much but next time possibly just send me a personal text or message on Facebook.. Battle of the Boxes almost erupted because people took offense as though my “coaches” aren’t looking out for me. Even though last time I checked, I am a certified CrossFit and USAW Oly coach myself. I do know and understand modifications/limitations. I assume I will have to constantly defend myself and what I continue to do at the gym until I give birth which is fine. I was merely happy that day my muscle ups were on POINT and we did a team WOD in which I was still able to hang with them. It made me happy – it was the highlight of my week and then people just pissed on it. That’s cool – I’m still happy. I can still do pretty much everything at the gym. My squats are still at 80-85%, my split jerk has seemed to decrease and for some reason I can’t lock out 155lbs these days. I am not sure why, I think it has more to do with because I haven’t been working on them as much. I can tell I am slower on burpees FOR sure. Now that I have a little bump I’m just more slower and don’t exactly slam my belly down on the ground. Since I have gained weight I think that does make me a little slower. Now being 4 months pregnant and in my 2nd trimester, I do feel my lungs back a little more and I am feeling a little less tired in general, it helps to feel less sluggish. I’ve noticed attempting to do 5 days of regionals type training is really taxing on me so I’ve been doing 4 then 2 regular class WODs which I consider more of active recovery days. When you’ve been training so hard for a really long time, it’s crazy how “regular” class WODs seem minimal and not enough.


Here’s another cool article of another woman in CrossFit who still did her thing while pregnant:



Promise to update sooner – until then do something that makes you happy!