Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Shit I got busy...

Well hello all…



Sorry it’s been a little over a week, I’ve just been busy at work and too tired to want to write this up late at night. There isn’t too much going anyway. Kind of status quo and trucking along getting used to this whole I’m having a baby thing. I get more excited about it these days and I'm happy regardless of any other circumstances. That has to be a positive right?! HAHA. What I do know is that I truly do have the best of friends and family. They’re all so supportive and helping. I am so grateful and love them all. It will definitely make things easier.


On an even more positive note – I think my boobs have slowed down in their growing spurts and my belly is starting to slightly grow. YAY!! I can still fit into my 36E for the time being! Yes I said – 36E!


I’m telling you, when I went to buy some new bras a few weeks back it was NOT a fun time!! I must have tried on at least 20 different bras and it took over an hour in the store! What the FUCK? Mind you this was my first outing to go somewhat baby shopping. I looked at some bras at other stores but didn’t see anything too exciting and by exciting I mean comfortable; NOT sexy which is usually what I am shopping for when I am buying bras. In any case I finally walk into a Motherhood store. The lady working there was really EXCITED and happy to help me. Ugghh yay for BRAS I guess? I tell her I am looking for 34DDs and she looks down at my rack and says hmmm…let’s measure. She glares at me and in her sweet but overly HAPPY voice she says, “Sweetie you’re a 34E but, we don’t carry 34’s in size E so you’ll have to go with a 36E.” Ugghhh FUCK ME – REALLY??? How am I even going to fit these suckers in anything?? Is what went through my head, I think I only said FUCK ME out loud..not sure though. So, she pulls out bra after bra after bra…I hate the full coverage ones, I am not a GRANDMA let’s get this shit straight lady!!! We go with Demi cut ones. My Mom wants to help as if I am all of a sudden a child again and need assistance in the fitting room – really? I am going to have a kid of my own crazy lady – I think I can manage putting on a bra or two or twenty! After the first 15 bras I try on I find two I am happy with. Well go figure, they’re having a damn sale buy 3 you get one free….Well happy lady at Motherhood is really trying hard to capitalize on this offer so she pulls out a few more bras for me to try on and I cave and try on a few more. I liked NONE of them. I walk out and say ok just these two! She then tries to sell me some belly bands for my pants etc. and I’m like ugh NO – I’m done I’d like to pay and leave now, THANKS (BIG SMILE ON MY FACE). Somehow I get suckered into donating money to the March of Dimes at check out because I just want this lady to hurry up and shut up that I was willing to give her my soul to just be done and get the hell out of the store. 1.5 hours later I have a nude and black bra that fit are super SEXY!! Oh I mean comfortable, hey at least I have several underwear that still match to give me the feeling of I am still looking sexy right? HAHA.  


Here are few pictures showing a little belly – I am 16 weeks now. 2 with my regular gym clothes and 2 with my regular work clothes :-)


I posted an update on Facebook the other day about working out and how I am still able to do muscle ups, handstand push-ups and chest-2-bar pull-ups. WHOA did that start a debate with all the medical professionals out there. Seriously people – are you a Doctor, a Nurse Practitioner who works with conditioned athletes, anything remotely close to that? NO – oh I am sorry; so basically what you’re telling me is that you’ve decided to give your opinion on my Facebook page got it! THANKS (as I shake my head)!! Now I say this sarcastically but I do know that most are just looking out for me and the baby. I do appreciate that very much but next time possibly just send me a personal text or message on Facebook.. Battle of the Boxes almost erupted because people took offense as though my “coaches” aren’t looking out for me. Even though last time I checked, I am a certified CrossFit and USAW Oly coach myself. I do know and understand modifications/limitations. I assume I will have to constantly defend myself and what I continue to do at the gym until I give birth which is fine. I was merely happy that day my muscle ups were on POINT and we did a team WOD in which I was still able to hang with them. It made me happy – it was the highlight of my week and then people just pissed on it. That’s cool – I’m still happy. I can still do pretty much everything at the gym. My squats are still at 80-85%, my split jerk has seemed to decrease and for some reason I can’t lock out 155lbs these days. I am not sure why, I think it has more to do with because I haven’t been working on them as much. I can tell I am slower on burpees FOR sure. Now that I have a little bump I’m just more slower and don’t exactly slam my belly down on the ground. Since I have gained weight I think that does make me a little slower. Now being 4 months pregnant and in my 2nd trimester, I do feel my lungs back a little more and I am feeling a little less tired in general, it helps to feel less sluggish. I’ve noticed attempting to do 5 days of regionals type training is really taxing on me so I’ve been doing 4 then 2 regular class WODs which I consider more of active recovery days. When you’ve been training so hard for a really long time, it’s crazy how “regular” class WODs seem minimal and not enough.


Here’s another cool article of another woman in CrossFit who still did her thing while pregnant:http://www.buildingabetterathlete.com/pregnancy-exercise-can-it-be-done/



Promise to update sooner – until then do something that makes you happy!


Thursday, April 17, 2014

Wicked Wednesday's

Wicked Wednesday’s is what I shall call them now.

For some reason the past two weeks, Wednesday’s just seem to be the worst day of the week. I’m extremely tired and manage to get the worst headache ever and I can only take Tylenol. By now the amount I’ve taken when it comes to the time I actually get to drink alcohol again, my liver will be shot from the Tylenol and I will OD…(I’ll keep you posted on that one later). So yea I was super tired yesterday and my head felt like it was in vise all day. My morning started off with an 8am conference call gone to complete shit. Yea try holding a meeting with an excess of 30 people on a call and the Verizon conference call number provided only allotted 20 people on the call. Oh and the client wasn’t on the line yet!!! WAY TO LOOK LIKE A COMPLETE FUCK UP! Getting worked up by the difficult to understand Indian man at Verizon at 8am who can’t seem to get me more lines like RIGHT NOW was more than I had anticipated for. Finally get into my office after 10am and already need to rest my eyes and want a nap. That definitely was not going to happen! Around 3pm I went into our break room sat at the booth that backs up to a wall and hid there for a nap. I kicked my feet up and chilled there probably catching a fly or two in my mouth from time to time and slept a little. That didn’t seem to help much. I had to coach at 7pm so I took my ass to the gym and upon arrival I was feeling tired, grumpy and somewhat overwhelmed. I decided I would start my warm up Part A. of my A-D workout planned and see how I feel. I did that felt ok so I went on to Part B. After, I felt better so then finished the WOD completely. This honestly helped take away my headache, wake me up and put me in a good mood to coach. It’s funny I can have the crappiest day and maybe start to coach a little moody but in the midst of it and by the end, I’m in a good mood and recharged. I love my 7pmers. They make me laugh and put up with my bantering sarcasm.

Finally feeling better and had some more energy – I made dinner. I decided I would try to re-enter chicken in my life so I made some fajitas. I haven’t been able to stomach chicken since I found out I was pregnant for some reason. They came out delicious and super easy to make.

3lbs of boneless skinless chicken breasts,
1 red, yellow, orange bell pepper,
1 medium onion
2 minced garlic cloves
½ Lime Squeezed
Fajita Seasoning: Chili powder, Salt, Lemon pepper, dash of Cayenne, and Black Truffle Salt

Cube up the chicken and cook over medium heat. (Pan I coated with 2 tbsp of bacon fat), cook thoroughly then add in minced garlic and onions. Sauté for about 5 minutes, then add peppers and season. I don’t measure my seasonings. Chili powder is the primary seasoning so you want to coat it with enough to turn the white chicken reddish. Two pinches of Black Truffle, generous amount of salt to taste and just a dash of cayenne for a kick. Squeeze the lime over and then lower to a Low; simmer and cover pan for approximately 10-15 min.

I toped the chicken with some homemade Sour Cream Avocado sauce. 

1/3 cup Whole Fat no preservatives/organic etc.. Sour Cream
1 small avocado smashed and mixed with the sour cream.
Dice up some onion like 2 tbsp
Salt to taste
Pico Pica hot sauce (you can use your favorite hot sauce I don’t recommend Siraccha though)
Mix it all up and add to the fajitas.

Here’s the finished product:

As I’ve said before I hate to do a bunch of research and I don’t need to know EVERYTHING about everything to feel prepared. I’m sure you can guess that reading every book under the sun about pregnancy and the first years for the baby are pretty much out of the question. You’re correct! I checked out “What to Expect when you’re Expecting” That fucken book was about 400 pages long! Who in their right mind has time to read that shit??? Does it have a cliff notes version? If they do – Target doesn’t carry it and I never see a Barnes and Noble around these days. I’ll make it a point to check Amazon some time for that! Until then Google never seems to let me down when I'm in need of a question answered. The book I did buy is called “The Pregnancy Journal”. It’s an easy read. Breaks down each day with a paragraph or two. It discusses what’s going on with your body, the baby, nutrition stuff, some historical old beliefs and practices in other countries/religions. It’s simple, to the point, informative and if I miss a day or three I can catch up in one sitting any night. There are places to write little notes or keep track of how your mood is, your weight, etc., It’s enough for me. I do highly recommend it for any busy woman. The thing I love the most is that each day are ended with a quote.

“The most sensitive, most delicate of instruments: the mind of a little child.” – Henry Handel Richardson 

Monday, April 14, 2014

My week in a Nutshell

Well this past week flew by just like every other week, although, it was by far my worst week being pregnant I’ve had. Not sure why, but I get regular headaches. I can only take Tylenol which doesn’t seem to do anything. I’m focusing on making sure I drink excess water, maybe it’s dehydration. I think I had my first emotional breakdown too. This past Wednesday was just shitty on top of the worst headache I’ve had yet!!! I wanted to punch someone and cry about it at the same time. Everything irritated me – it was kind of funny when I was over it on Thursday. They keep saying that my hormones will level out once I enter my 2nd Trimester so maybe this pregnancy acne will go away??!! Uggh I’m 14 weeks as of Friday (supposedly)  & impatiently waiting STILL. WTEFF is this shit about?? Okay, Okay I can’t complain too much considering how easy this pregnancy has been. Sometimes I forget I’m even pregnant, then I catch a glimpse in a mirror and see my ever growing boobs.

Workouts this week were good for the most part. I’m doing our regionals training regime but it kind of sucks because we’re all on different schedules and honestly – it really seems like they could care less to play with me. I get that a lot of people think I should be taking it easier and just relaxing some more, but I don’t feel like it and I don’t feel like I’m over doing anything so why should I?  Not everyone is like that and I’m sure it’s probably just my emotions playing a role in that. I won’t lie, I get personal satisfaction when I beat others bidding for my spot on our regionals team. Not because I don’t want them to do well – that’s not it all and people who’ve competed with me know I’m your biggest supporter and fan. It’s just the personal satisfaction of winning just like any other time in a workout. If regionals is super heavy and has a bunch of squat cleans guess what my ass is out – and yea it will SUCK ROYALLY! I’ve worked hard this past year it will just suck and I’ll be sad. But It’s what’s best for our team, whatever the outcome is. Just don’t treat me like I’m not part of the team already!!! JUST SAYIN – geez..LOL regardless I’m a coach and I’ve competed on several teams since 2010 – learn and grow from me – that’s what teammates are for. As for working out – everything still remains about the same. I’m not sure how much weight I’ve gained I don’t own a scale so that’s difficult to gauge. But, from what I’ve read – now heading into my 2nd trimester; it’s likely I will gain ½-1lb a week for the remainder WTF??!! That would put me around the 25-30lb weight gain mark and what my goal is to stay at. So this week I’m still able to front squat 175x2 and do handstand push-ups with deficit. We did Heavy Diane this week 185lb deadlift & 2’ deficit(25lb high temp plates) – my time was 8:23 – can I just say I was rather happy with that. Considering at regionals in 2012 I couldn’t finish Diane at the standard weight because my HSPU’s sucked then! To do this was AWESOME and a highlight of my week. I can do pistols, Chest to Bar butterfly pull ups, & GHD’s fairly easily. What I notice I struggle in are cleans, catching heavier weight in the hole just isn’t the same these days. I don’t wear my weight belt and doing anything above 135lbs without it for multiple reps I can feel my core compromised and not as strong as it should be. I can still power 165 then front squat it but not really doing that – no need to do so really. I do 2-3 muscle-ups 2-3x a week tafter I am done working out just to know I still have them. I foresee weight gain being my major hindrance before belly bump. It sucks that I deliberately take full on water & breathe catching breaks during a workout – it’s just a foreign concept considering I’ve never had to really do that in the past.  

For those interested, here’s a great article on Fitness Training for Pregnant Athletes: http://www.active.com/women/articles/fitness-training-for-pregnant-athletes-876109

I went out for a Sunday Funday birthday yesterday for my good friend Ashley. We went to one of my favorite spots, Mutt’s in Newport Beach. I know I’ve showed up there sober but I don’t know if I’ve ever left there completely dry sober?? Usually a huge ass Schooner is AMAZING and refreshing. But given my current state – I did not partake in any schooner action. The Scenery is entertaining to say the least. I don’t really look like I am pregnant or fat so drunk guys hitting on me was still happening. Guys – do you really think your drunk asses slurring, spitting and touching my back to try and tell me something that makes NO SENSE whatsoever really works?? Oh – wait, it may have in the past if I was at the same intoxication level. HAHAHA. Needless to say, I was DD for the afternoon and the food was just awful without a beer to chase it down with. It was still a great time to celebrate Ashley’s birthday and I had fun just in different ways LOL!!

I had some major cheat meals this weekend and I feel like I’m on a downward spiral that I need to get in check. Heading to the grocery store tonight and preparing for the week. I freak the FUCK out to think I am gaining any other weight besides baby weight. So back on track and doing what I should be doing. Hey I’m human – SHIT HAPPENS!

"Listen to little children carefully and you will learn great things." - G. Weinberg

Updated Baby Bump pix: 14 Weeks

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Prep Work

Ok so can we just talk about how more and more I feel like a pig in a blanket these days??!! Geez, I feel like I look like a stuffed sausage in my nice Calvin Klein business suit dress. I’m still wearing my size 4 in dresses, skirts, skinny jeans & most of my other normal clothes – but they are just getting uncomfortably tight!!! The tightness is primarily in the chest area and the weight I have gained I’m pretty sure is about 90% up top! WHOA is all I can say about that. It will be epic as to how “big” these bad boys can get. I went shopping this past weekend for new bras, I will leave that story for another time – it was intense!

So Prep work – I don’t know about you guys but I am the worst when it comes to preparing for future things to come that are going to happen regardless of any “prepping”. I am definitely one you would consider a procrastinator, but I’ve always worked well under pressure and I don’t need to know everything about everything to get from point A to point B. I can research it the night before or the hour before and be perfectly fine. In any case, people think I’m crazy I have no desire to go visit Hoag Hospital to get a tutorial or walk through  of the maternity ward. I’m like – Hey I’m pretty sure I will spend plenty of time there when I have the baby, do I really need to see what the rooms look like now? I’m sure I will have a bathroom in my room so I doubt I need to know where the restrooms are, worst case when I am there I can ask for directions. Hoag’s a nice hospital, I don’t sweat the small shit – I’m sure it will be fine. But some people are just major planners and need to know everything. Ask me to plan a vacation or party – I’m your girl. I’m a researcher – developer-doer kind of person NOW not in the future.

The one exception comes to preparing my food for a few days so I have lunch and some dinner. When I don’t do the prep work for that, my days and nights are screwed up – I end up eating out and given I have the “pregnancy” excuse, it’s 100x easier to eat things I normally would not. I make every effort on Sunday’s to plan what I will eat for the week, get some groceries and cook for a couple days to get me through Monday and Tuesday. I don’t coach Tuesday nights so I can come home again with time to cook a little more.

For Breakfast – I made 2 pieces of bacon, 1 egg and 3 egg whites for my breakfast. I also have 1/2 cup Voskos Greek Yogurt and some berries.

For lunch – I made some carne asada to have with these new wraps I decided to try and I got things to make a nice Kale salad on the side. The wraps I purchased are called Flat Outs. Normally I would not recommend anyone to eat these they’re grains and not the best option for you, but I’m pregnant and need a little more substance in my diet at times. To keep my carb intake low and without adding a ton of unnecessary calories these are a good edition and I am only eating ½ of one to make a large taco for my meat. The reason why I do like them: 90 calories, 16g of carbs, 9g of fiber, 0 sugars and 9g of protein. They also are made with Whey Protein Isolate NOT SOY shit!!! When making a decision to eat something like this regularly I do look at all the variables. This was a fairly decent option even in comparison to say just eating a corn tortilla or ½ cup of rice. I ate it yesterday and they’re pretty good.

Well for dinner I decided I would cook that on Monday night when I got home from working out and coaching – BIG MISTAKE. It ended up taking me 2 hours to cook and I didn’t get home until after 830pm so yea this pregnant girl was about to eat her arm off by 11pm when she finally ate. Lesson learned – when following a new recipe add on about 45 minutes to the “full” cooking/prepping time they state.

Dinner was great when I was done – Here’s the finished product.

I made some Asian meatballs posted on Nom Nom Paleo: http://nomnompaleo.com/post/39832097367/whole30-day-6-asian-meatballs
Now it states it should take 30 minutes to make 36 meatballs, I don’t know about you but have you ever minced sweet potato? Unless you’re an amazing Sushi chef or have an appliance that can mince it for your – sorry expect that alone to take 30 minutes for approximately 3/4s cup. Then tack on all the rest of the ingredients you need to mince. The meat balls were great in flavor but I did make some modifications. I’m a decent cook on my own and if I usually add or delete anything I want. I added more tomato paste because I knew it would probably be a bit dry if I didn’t. The Fish sauce I added a tbsp. more because I felt like 2 wasn’t enough. Seasoned how I wanted etc. They came out great – I do think they still were a little on the dry side so next time I will probably something to keep it a little more moist. The sweet potato was a great addition to them.

The side I made was deciding to tackle cauliflower fried rice. I took the basics from this recipe and made it how I wanted: http://www.skinnytaste.com/2014/03/cauliflower-fried-rice.html

Pulsing the cauliflower is what took forever on this dish and there was no time posted on how long this dish would take to make. How I made the dish to simplfy it:
Sautéed green onions (I just cut up 4 stalks) and garlic in 2 tbsp of sesame oil – then added 2 eggs and 3 egg whites scrambled that up; added 1 tbsp of sesame oil and the cauliflower sautéed all of that and added Liquid Amino’s (soy sauce alternative). I just eye balled the liquid Aminos to make sure the cauliflower turned brownish in color.

I honestly did not expect this to taste as great as it did but it really does taste like fried rice – I highly recommend this meal to all. I like it because it’s different then what I had been eating and right now I need different. I can’t stomach chicken to save my life right now. Salty savory seem to do the trick and adding in some more hearty type veggie carbs helps with curbing that type of craving and eating breads.

Any of you doing regionals training and following CJ’s programming from Invictus know it’s brutal fun. Yesterday I got to row every 12 minutes for 48 minutes 1800m row and 150 double unders. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. My primary concern was keeping my breathing under control so I didn’t over heat considering it was 87 degrees when I showed up to the gym and to not completely pee my pants while doing the double unders. I was successful in completing the 1800m row and double unders with time to spare each time the first round I had enough time to run to the bathroom again…Ahh yes the joys of excessive jumping and peeing simultaneously have already begun! I ended the night doing 2 muscle ups before I left - I do them almost everyday I train because I don't want to lose them even though I know I eventually will. 

My current baby bump picture - not much going on but there is a slight poof and definite boobage!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Let's Catch Up!!

Hello All,

Well I decided I should probably just start a blog instead of bugging others on Facebook and Instagram with all my #pregnancy, crossfitting and #nutrition posts. Let's be honest, over posters annoy all! So my goal here - just to rant about all the new things going on in life with my first pregnancy. I hope I can give some insight to others as well as my knowledge as a CrossFit/Olympic Lifting coach and Nutrition. I am by no means a complete expert but I do have several years of experience in both coaching and nutrition.

ALWAYS check with your doctors and healthcare professionals before doing or starting anything!!!

So let's catch up - I am officially 13 weeks pregnant. I truly have been extremely lucky thus far. I've had no morning sickness and have basically continued with life as before. Minor things like regular headaches, fatigue and maybe the occasional nauseous
feeling but really that is it.

I found out I was pregnant on 2/17 at 6 weeks. Of course 2 weeks out before our true CrossFit "season" starts. I immediately asked - "So can I still workout as I have been doing?" My initial doctor said yes. That weekend I went and competed in the Winter Shakedown, we placed 5th and I was very happy about that. It was then I decided I would continue with the open and not tell anyone at my gym especially my fellow teammates. We all worked hard this past year and I didn't want anyone to get sidetracked by the possibility of not having a team any longer. So I kept my pregnancy under wraps with the exception of a few people. As time went on during the open, I was doing great but I could tell I wasn't moving as fast as I normally did even though I felt as though I was. The first 3 weeks I did well and was sitting in 45th place then a more metcon based type #wod came in 14.4 and my ranking fell. I still managed to do 2 muscle ups but that was below the average. 14.5 was even worse. I ended the season in 74th place. Not bad for a pregnant person right? I still felt like I failed but then realized that although I was still moving fast - it was at about 80% of what I normally move at primarily in metcon type workouts.

During the first few weeks I did some extensive research trying to see what was out there for people in my similar situation. I didn't come across too many competitive crossfit athletes but there were some. Lisa Theil, Heather Buergeron and Lindsey Smith (games athletes). Granted I am no games athlete but I have gone to regionals the last two years in SoCal so maybe I am not at their caliber but in a similar mindset. I read up on some of their posts as well as another fellow crossfitter Danielle Adams. All had some good information but nothing specific enough for me to know "How do I scale?"  Well truth is - it's different for everyone. First, listen to your body. You are the only one who knows it best. Two, don't try new things you don't already do. Three, trial and possible error. Stop if something feels weird or funny.

I was on a mission - I continued my research. I've read up on several competitive athletes and their training while pregnant. I found a Nurse Practitioner that specializes in Sports and works with other athletes in dance, running and basketball. She has truly been my lifesaver in making me feel okay about what I am doing and not listening to the others with their old ways of thinking. She gave me a sense of peace and I check in with her weekly. She gave me exactly what I need to look for and how to be cautious. I will share more of that later. (This is supposed to be my first post and just a catch up).

At 13 weeks my squatting and #deadlifts are at about 80-85% of my 1rm in working sets. I'm not wearing my weightbelt anymore and I'm not looking to pr any of my squats at the moment. Shoulder to overhead weights I'm still going as I normally would I do notice that at 155lb it seems more difficult that it had but again not wearing my weightbelt so that may have something to do with it. I hit 155lb Overhead squat this week and it felt great. My metcon is wear I notice a difference - my work capacity is just slower. I would gauge me at about 80% of my normal speed. I can still do handstand pushups, muscle ups, chest to bar pull ups and GHD's. Muscle ups will probably be the first to go. I can still do handstand push ups without getting dizzy - I just do smaller working sets and aren't going for 20 unbroken. I'm keeping it around 10 then decreasing to 5 reps if needed.

As it stands we wait to see if after two of our girls from RXD go individual will CF RXD qualify a team for regionals. I am still training as though I may go. I will be about 20 weeks by then and probably 4lbs heavier so we shall see. It depends on the type of workouts released as well as if our 4th or 5th string girls can beat my 80% self. There are a lot of variables when I say this. I will take it day by day, week by week and see how it all goes and feels. I can assure everyone - I won't do anything that will hurt the baby or myself and I have a great medical support team as well as friends and family to look our for me.

Nutrition - ok enough about CrossFit right??! So before I got pregnant I was approximately 80-90% paleo and still had some dairy (competition season 95%). These days I'm closer to 70% compliant. Really the only difference is I allow some more cheat "treats" I'm not as strict when I go out to eat and I have the occasional Ezekiel bread or bread roll at lunch. The only dairy I had before was heavy cream for my coffee. I now will have some whole milk with my protein shakes, maybe a 1/2 cup of full fat greek yogurt and some feta cheese sprinkled in a salad or something similar. An average day for me consists of

Wake up:

12 oz unsweetened almondmilk 4oz whole milk mixed with some Forza Pro protein.
Coffee with heavy cream and stevia

2 organic eggs, 2 egg whites, 2 pieces if uncurred no preservatives bacon
1/2 cup greek yogurt with 1 cup berries or 1/4 cup Tzatztiki yogurt sauce with 5 mini peppers

Kale Salad with 1 hardboiled egg, 1/3 avocado, sprinkled feta and 2 tbsp of homemade dressing (olive oil, dijon mustard and apple cider vinegar)
6-8oz of meat


6-8oz of meat (this past week I made trout a couple of nights) but it varies and depends on what I am in the mood for.
2 cups of cauliflower mash.

Another protein shake just like in the morning.

Now this is an average day when I don't go out to eat for lunch or dinner. This is what most days look like or a variation. The only thing I can't really seem to stomach these days is Chicken. I am not sure why but really can't eat it. I just get grossed out. I used to be able to cook something in the crockpot and eat it for a few day, I can't seem to do that right now either. I am having to get creative but on a time crunch.

I will be happy to answer any questions anyone posts. I will keep my future posts more specific. It could be about the workouts I do or what I cook for the week with recipes and some pictures. I will post links to articles that I have read regarding other competitive athletes and other professional websites with insight, guidance and help.

Anyhow, I hope you enjoy reading. I will get some baby bump pics when I have them and anything else I feel like ranting about when I post a blog like how gigantic my boobs are already getting!
