Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Shit I got busy...

Well hello all…



Sorry it’s been a little over a week, I’ve just been busy at work and too tired to want to write this up late at night. There isn’t too much going anyway. Kind of status quo and trucking along getting used to this whole I’m having a baby thing. I get more excited about it these days and I'm happy regardless of any other circumstances. That has to be a positive right?! HAHA. What I do know is that I truly do have the best of friends and family. They’re all so supportive and helping. I am so grateful and love them all. It will definitely make things easier.


On an even more positive note – I think my boobs have slowed down in their growing spurts and my belly is starting to slightly grow. YAY!! I can still fit into my 36E for the time being! Yes I said – 36E!


I’m telling you, when I went to buy some new bras a few weeks back it was NOT a fun time!! I must have tried on at least 20 different bras and it took over an hour in the store! What the FUCK? Mind you this was my first outing to go somewhat baby shopping. I looked at some bras at other stores but didn’t see anything too exciting and by exciting I mean comfortable; NOT sexy which is usually what I am shopping for when I am buying bras. In any case I finally walk into a Motherhood store. The lady working there was really EXCITED and happy to help me. Ugghh yay for BRAS I guess? I tell her I am looking for 34DDs and she looks down at my rack and says hmmm…let’s measure. She glares at me and in her sweet but overly HAPPY voice she says, “Sweetie you’re a 34E but, we don’t carry 34’s in size E so you’ll have to go with a 36E.” Ugghhh FUCK ME – REALLY??? How am I even going to fit these suckers in anything?? Is what went through my head, I think I only said FUCK ME out loud..not sure though. So, she pulls out bra after bra after bra…I hate the full coverage ones, I am not a GRANDMA let’s get this shit straight lady!!! We go with Demi cut ones. My Mom wants to help as if I am all of a sudden a child again and need assistance in the fitting room – really? I am going to have a kid of my own crazy lady – I think I can manage putting on a bra or two or twenty! After the first 15 bras I try on I find two I am happy with. Well go figure, they’re having a damn sale buy 3 you get one free….Well happy lady at Motherhood is really trying hard to capitalize on this offer so she pulls out a few more bras for me to try on and I cave and try on a few more. I liked NONE of them. I walk out and say ok just these two! She then tries to sell me some belly bands for my pants etc. and I’m like ugh NO – I’m done I’d like to pay and leave now, THANKS (BIG SMILE ON MY FACE). Somehow I get suckered into donating money to the March of Dimes at check out because I just want this lady to hurry up and shut up that I was willing to give her my soul to just be done and get the hell out of the store. 1.5 hours later I have a nude and black bra that fit are super SEXY!! Oh I mean comfortable, hey at least I have several underwear that still match to give me the feeling of I am still looking sexy right? HAHA.  


Here are few pictures showing a little belly – I am 16 weeks now. 2 with my regular gym clothes and 2 with my regular work clothes :-)


I posted an update on Facebook the other day about working out and how I am still able to do muscle ups, handstand push-ups and chest-2-bar pull-ups. WHOA did that start a debate with all the medical professionals out there. Seriously people – are you a Doctor, a Nurse Practitioner who works with conditioned athletes, anything remotely close to that? NO – oh I am sorry; so basically what you’re telling me is that you’ve decided to give your opinion on my Facebook page got it! THANKS (as I shake my head)!! Now I say this sarcastically but I do know that most are just looking out for me and the baby. I do appreciate that very much but next time possibly just send me a personal text or message on Facebook.. Battle of the Boxes almost erupted because people took offense as though my “coaches” aren’t looking out for me. Even though last time I checked, I am a certified CrossFit and USAW Oly coach myself. I do know and understand modifications/limitations. I assume I will have to constantly defend myself and what I continue to do at the gym until I give birth which is fine. I was merely happy that day my muscle ups were on POINT and we did a team WOD in which I was still able to hang with them. It made me happy – it was the highlight of my week and then people just pissed on it. That’s cool – I’m still happy. I can still do pretty much everything at the gym. My squats are still at 80-85%, my split jerk has seemed to decrease and for some reason I can’t lock out 155lbs these days. I am not sure why, I think it has more to do with because I haven’t been working on them as much. I can tell I am slower on burpees FOR sure. Now that I have a little bump I’m just more slower and don’t exactly slam my belly down on the ground. Since I have gained weight I think that does make me a little slower. Now being 4 months pregnant and in my 2nd trimester, I do feel my lungs back a little more and I am feeling a little less tired in general, it helps to feel less sluggish. I’ve noticed attempting to do 5 days of regionals type training is really taxing on me so I’ve been doing 4 then 2 regular class WODs which I consider more of active recovery days. When you’ve been training so hard for a really long time, it’s crazy how “regular” class WODs seem minimal and not enough.


Here’s another cool article of another woman in CrossFit who still did her thing while pregnant:http://www.buildingabetterathlete.com/pregnancy-exercise-can-it-be-done/



Promise to update sooner – until then do something that makes you happy!



  1. I'm a professional palm reader, and it just so happens my palms are 36E. I am sharing this fact for no reason what so ever other than I am super impressed with such a gift! =P

  2. Haha! Nice Wayne this is valuable information I will keep in mind :)
