Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Prep Work

Ok so can we just talk about how more and more I feel like a pig in a blanket these days??!! Geez, I feel like I look like a stuffed sausage in my nice Calvin Klein business suit dress. I’m still wearing my size 4 in dresses, skirts, skinny jeans & most of my other normal clothes – but they are just getting uncomfortably tight!!! The tightness is primarily in the chest area and the weight I have gained I’m pretty sure is about 90% up top! WHOA is all I can say about that. It will be epic as to how “big” these bad boys can get. I went shopping this past weekend for new bras, I will leave that story for another time – it was intense!

So Prep work – I don’t know about you guys but I am the worst when it comes to preparing for future things to come that are going to happen regardless of any “prepping”. I am definitely one you would consider a procrastinator, but I’ve always worked well under pressure and I don’t need to know everything about everything to get from point A to point B. I can research it the night before or the hour before and be perfectly fine. In any case, people think I’m crazy I have no desire to go visit Hoag Hospital to get a tutorial or walk through  of the maternity ward. I’m like – Hey I’m pretty sure I will spend plenty of time there when I have the baby, do I really need to see what the rooms look like now? I’m sure I will have a bathroom in my room so I doubt I need to know where the restrooms are, worst case when I am there I can ask for directions. Hoag’s a nice hospital, I don’t sweat the small shit – I’m sure it will be fine. But some people are just major planners and need to know everything. Ask me to plan a vacation or party – I’m your girl. I’m a researcher – developer-doer kind of person NOW not in the future.

The one exception comes to preparing my food for a few days so I have lunch and some dinner. When I don’t do the prep work for that, my days and nights are screwed up – I end up eating out and given I have the “pregnancy” excuse, it’s 100x easier to eat things I normally would not. I make every effort on Sunday’s to plan what I will eat for the week, get some groceries and cook for a couple days to get me through Monday and Tuesday. I don’t coach Tuesday nights so I can come home again with time to cook a little more.

For Breakfast – I made 2 pieces of bacon, 1 egg and 3 egg whites for my breakfast. I also have 1/2 cup Voskos Greek Yogurt and some berries.

For lunch – I made some carne asada to have with these new wraps I decided to try and I got things to make a nice Kale salad on the side. The wraps I purchased are called Flat Outs. Normally I would not recommend anyone to eat these they’re grains and not the best option for you, but I’m pregnant and need a little more substance in my diet at times. To keep my carb intake low and without adding a ton of unnecessary calories these are a good edition and I am only eating ½ of one to make a large taco for my meat. The reason why I do like them: 90 calories, 16g of carbs, 9g of fiber, 0 sugars and 9g of protein. They also are made with Whey Protein Isolate NOT SOY shit!!! When making a decision to eat something like this regularly I do look at all the variables. This was a fairly decent option even in comparison to say just eating a corn tortilla or ½ cup of rice. I ate it yesterday and they’re pretty good.

Well for dinner I decided I would cook that on Monday night when I got home from working out and coaching – BIG MISTAKE. It ended up taking me 2 hours to cook and I didn’t get home until after 830pm so yea this pregnant girl was about to eat her arm off by 11pm when she finally ate. Lesson learned – when following a new recipe add on about 45 minutes to the “full” cooking/prepping time they state.

Dinner was great when I was done – Here’s the finished product.

I made some Asian meatballs posted on Nom Nom Paleo: http://nomnompaleo.com/post/39832097367/whole30-day-6-asian-meatballs
Now it states it should take 30 minutes to make 36 meatballs, I don’t know about you but have you ever minced sweet potato? Unless you’re an amazing Sushi chef or have an appliance that can mince it for your – sorry expect that alone to take 30 minutes for approximately 3/4s cup. Then tack on all the rest of the ingredients you need to mince. The meat balls were great in flavor but I did make some modifications. I’m a decent cook on my own and if I usually add or delete anything I want. I added more tomato paste because I knew it would probably be a bit dry if I didn’t. The Fish sauce I added a tbsp. more because I felt like 2 wasn’t enough. Seasoned how I wanted etc. They came out great – I do think they still were a little on the dry side so next time I will probably something to keep it a little more moist. The sweet potato was a great addition to them.

The side I made was deciding to tackle cauliflower fried rice. I took the basics from this recipe and made it how I wanted: http://www.skinnytaste.com/2014/03/cauliflower-fried-rice.html

Pulsing the cauliflower is what took forever on this dish and there was no time posted on how long this dish would take to make. How I made the dish to simplfy it:
Sautéed green onions (I just cut up 4 stalks) and garlic in 2 tbsp of sesame oil – then added 2 eggs and 3 egg whites scrambled that up; added 1 tbsp of sesame oil and the cauliflower sautéed all of that and added Liquid Amino’s (soy sauce alternative). I just eye balled the liquid Aminos to make sure the cauliflower turned brownish in color.

I honestly did not expect this to taste as great as it did but it really does taste like fried rice – I highly recommend this meal to all. I like it because it’s different then what I had been eating and right now I need different. I can’t stomach chicken to save my life right now. Salty savory seem to do the trick and adding in some more hearty type veggie carbs helps with curbing that type of craving and eating breads.

Any of you doing regionals training and following CJ’s programming from Invictus know it’s brutal fun. Yesterday I got to row every 12 minutes for 48 minutes 1800m row and 150 double unders. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. My primary concern was keeping my breathing under control so I didn’t over heat considering it was 87 degrees when I showed up to the gym and to not completely pee my pants while doing the double unders. I was successful in completing the 1800m row and double unders with time to spare each time the first round I had enough time to run to the bathroom again…Ahh yes the joys of excessive jumping and peeing simultaneously have already begun! I ended the night doing 2 muscle ups before I left - I do them almost everyday I train because I don't want to lose them even though I know I eventually will. 

My current baby bump picture - not much going on but there is a slight poof and definite boobage!

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