Monday, April 14, 2014

My week in a Nutshell

Well this past week flew by just like every other week, although, it was by far my worst week being pregnant I’ve had. Not sure why, but I get regular headaches. I can only take Tylenol which doesn’t seem to do anything. I’m focusing on making sure I drink excess water, maybe it’s dehydration. I think I had my first emotional breakdown too. This past Wednesday was just shitty on top of the worst headache I’ve had yet!!! I wanted to punch someone and cry about it at the same time. Everything irritated me – it was kind of funny when I was over it on Thursday. They keep saying that my hormones will level out once I enter my 2nd Trimester so maybe this pregnancy acne will go away??!! Uggh I’m 14 weeks as of Friday (supposedly)  & impatiently waiting STILL. WTEFF is this shit about?? Okay, Okay I can’t complain too much considering how easy this pregnancy has been. Sometimes I forget I’m even pregnant, then I catch a glimpse in a mirror and see my ever growing boobs.

Workouts this week were good for the most part. I’m doing our regionals training regime but it kind of sucks because we’re all on different schedules and honestly – it really seems like they could care less to play with me. I get that a lot of people think I should be taking it easier and just relaxing some more, but I don’t feel like it and I don’t feel like I’m over doing anything so why should I?  Not everyone is like that and I’m sure it’s probably just my emotions playing a role in that. I won’t lie, I get personal satisfaction when I beat others bidding for my spot on our regionals team. Not because I don’t want them to do well – that’s not it all and people who’ve competed with me know I’m your biggest supporter and fan. It’s just the personal satisfaction of winning just like any other time in a workout. If regionals is super heavy and has a bunch of squat cleans guess what my ass is out – and yea it will SUCK ROYALLY! I’ve worked hard this past year it will just suck and I’ll be sad. But It’s what’s best for our team, whatever the outcome is. Just don’t treat me like I’m not part of the team already!!! JUST SAYIN – geez..LOL regardless I’m a coach and I’ve competed on several teams since 2010 – learn and grow from me – that’s what teammates are for. As for working out – everything still remains about the same. I’m not sure how much weight I’ve gained I don’t own a scale so that’s difficult to gauge. But, from what I’ve read – now heading into my 2nd trimester; it’s likely I will gain ½-1lb a week for the remainder WTF??!! That would put me around the 25-30lb weight gain mark and what my goal is to stay at. So this week I’m still able to front squat 175x2 and do handstand push-ups with deficit. We did Heavy Diane this week 185lb deadlift & 2’ deficit(25lb high temp plates) – my time was 8:23 – can I just say I was rather happy with that. Considering at regionals in 2012 I couldn’t finish Diane at the standard weight because my HSPU’s sucked then! To do this was AWESOME and a highlight of my week. I can do pistols, Chest to Bar butterfly pull ups, & GHD’s fairly easily. What I notice I struggle in are cleans, catching heavier weight in the hole just isn’t the same these days. I don’t wear my weight belt and doing anything above 135lbs without it for multiple reps I can feel my core compromised and not as strong as it should be. I can still power 165 then front squat it but not really doing that – no need to do so really. I do 2-3 muscle-ups 2-3x a week tafter I am done working out just to know I still have them. I foresee weight gain being my major hindrance before belly bump. It sucks that I deliberately take full on water & breathe catching breaks during a workout – it’s just a foreign concept considering I’ve never had to really do that in the past.  

For those interested, here’s a great article on Fitness Training for Pregnant Athletes:

I went out for a Sunday Funday birthday yesterday for my good friend Ashley. We went to one of my favorite spots, Mutt’s in Newport Beach. I know I’ve showed up there sober but I don’t know if I’ve ever left there completely dry sober?? Usually a huge ass Schooner is AMAZING and refreshing. But given my current state – I did not partake in any schooner action. The Scenery is entertaining to say the least. I don’t really look like I am pregnant or fat so drunk guys hitting on me was still happening. Guys – do you really think your drunk asses slurring, spitting and touching my back to try and tell me something that makes NO SENSE whatsoever really works?? Oh – wait, it may have in the past if I was at the same intoxication level. HAHAHA. Needless to say, I was DD for the afternoon and the food was just awful without a beer to chase it down with. It was still a great time to celebrate Ashley’s birthday and I had fun just in different ways LOL!!

I had some major cheat meals this weekend and I feel like I’m on a downward spiral that I need to get in check. Heading to the grocery store tonight and preparing for the week. I freak the FUCK out to think I am gaining any other weight besides baby weight. So back on track and doing what I should be doing. Hey I’m human – SHIT HAPPENS!

"Listen to little children carefully and you will learn great things." - G. Weinberg

Updated Baby Bump pix: 14 Weeks


  1. You're so tiny! How exciting to welcome your first baby! I know you'll make a great mom! Take care
